Ecchi - Page 163

Ecchi manga contains mild sexual themes and suggestive imagery, often used for comedic effect. It’s known for fan service and teasing situations, aiming to entertain without explicit content.

1999 results

The Rabbit Trapped In Rumors

Read manhua The Rabbit Trapped In Rumors / Tuzi Diao Luo Chuanwen Xianjing! / The Rabbit Drops, Trapped the Rumor! / Tùzǐ Diào Luò Chuánwén Xiànjǐng! / 兔子掉落传闻陷阱! Through continuous efforts, Wen Xilin has turned the gentle senior who she used to have a crush on into her own… boss! It wasn’t until she became his subordinate that she felt how harsh he is and fell into all kinds of strange rumors! Although I still like him, it’s now time to quit. You said Xiao Nanhe also has a crush on me?! Do you think I’ll believe it???


The War Lord And His Fake Bride

"I've come to get my wife." On the day of the wedding, the groom, Koumei Oh, showed up soaked in blood. The bride, Meirin, couldn't hide her horror at the sight. The Oh family, a military family, has been cursed to die by the age of 30 due to their violent acts in battle. In this age, doctors have lost their position in society and the Xian have been entrusted to save people.The emperor, hearing rumors that "those who make a vow with a Xian and produce descendants shall never perish," arranged for Koumei to marry Meirin, a Xian. However, Meirin doesn't actually possess the powers of the Xian and is marrying Koumei in place of her older sister, Shenrin.Meirin fears she may be killed if this lie is discovered, but Koumei turns out to be different from the rumors, and Meirin begins to fall in love...Published by Comicle Original+


Oppa Husband

Read manhwa Oppa Husband The description of the comics “Oppa Husband”: “Let’s get a divorce.” “Isn’t it nothing? Sleeping together, I mean, as a married couple.” “Ha Yeseo.” “What? Does it feel awkward because I’m saying this?” Today, he decided to graduate from being her husband. This marriage had been fake from the start, and Seo Jiheon had only been her guardian. Love had never existed for him—not even for a moment. “You were right. Whether we got married or spent the night together, I could never be a woman to you. I’ll admit that now.” “……” The conclusion to his long-held first love and unrequited feelings was divorce. But Jiheon had no intention of letting Yeseo go… “What are you doing? I said it’s over.” “And what do you think this pathetic piece of paper can accomplish?” The divorce papers fell helplessly to the floor under Jiheon’s cold gaze. He pushed Yeseo against the wall and leaned in as if he were about to kiss her, giving her no chance to escape. “Let’s do something that truly makes us a real couple, starting now.” “Oppa Husband” is sames name: 오빠 남편

1 days ago

The Beast Won’t Let Me Sleep

Read manhwa The Beast Won’t Let Me Sleep / 이 짐승은 밤잠이 없다 A woman, known for her manipulative and immoral actions to gain status, unexpectedly encounters a man at a banquet who was once a boy she abandoned. The once fragile and tearful boy has grown into a dangerous, confident man who now approaches her without hesitation.


Manic Desires

Read manhwa Manic Desires / Five Senses (KIM Salgu) / Ogamdo / The Five Senses A precarious relationship between a possessive guy and a vulnerable girl. Gyuyoung’s only hope is to run away from her desperate reality, where people talk behind her about her mom, her only family, who works as a hostess at a sleazy bar in a small town. A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity ensues when Ikseon, a transfer male student to her high school, makes her an irresistible offer. บ่วงคล้องใจ 五感圖:執著戀慕 오감도



Masatora Akutsu has just transferred into class in Japan from a long way away - all the way from Hell, to be exact. Akutsu is a demon who's come to Earth to find someone who can motivate the forces of Hell to fight back against the invading Heavenly army. He immediately sets his sights on one of his classmates, the kind and beautiful Lily Amane, but ends up in way over his head when it turns out Lily has some secrets of her own!


The Strong, The Few, True Cultivators on Campus

同学,你真行! / 修真强少在校园 / The Strong, The Few, True Cultivators on Campus manhua “All kinds of woman walk into his life causing him to be surrounded by beauties!” In order to live he must get close to girls, what kind of rule is this? Tang Zheng possess the Nine Yang Saint Body, a rare body constitution that is hard to come across within a millennium, yet he must absorb pure Yin energy to stay alive. In order to live, he will fight! Absolute campus belles, goddess teachers, charming housewives, haughty lolis…


Sword or Blood

"Warning: Mature content: This manga contains materials that might not be suitable to children under 17. By proceeding, you are confirming that you are 17 or older." Ho Dongdong traveled to another world after a car accident, and turned into an Orc elf—A hybrid of an Orc and an elf. It’s terrible enough that he is a loser in both worlds, but even worse, he is now a slave… Let’s see how this indelicate, wretched and sly elf King will turn the tide, crush the orcs and humans, and revitalize the elves’ empire! And, what stories will happen between those hotties and him? 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Bride Hunting For My Idol

Alisa was a marriage consultant who reincarnated into the world of a game she played. She met with the guild master Kevin, who saved her and gave her the chance to get employed at his guild. After that, she thought giving marriage advice to the adventures through her new skill wasn’t a bad way to live her life… One day, she had the chance to meet her favorite idol of the game, Prince Rubio, but for some reason, the prince’s life was threatened during the meeting… Moreover, he announced that he will marry Alisa. A love story where Alisa is tasked with finding a bride for her idol, and yet, somehow, she’s the one getting the happiness?!


Immortal Swordsman in The Reverse World

Mature content: This manga contains materials that might not be suitable to children under 17. By proceeding, you are confirming that you are 17 or older. Chu Qing is a sword expert cultivator, who 300 years ago accidentally entered the fairy world. During those 300 he began his cultivation journey. At the time of reaching the realm of eternity, it was not expected that he would instead open the hall of time and space and return to earth at the age of 17 years. But when he saw the situation, it turns out it was not the earth he once lived in, but the world was reversed between the roles of women and men. How was his journey to find a way to return to the original world, and defeat and conquer the strong women in the world …


After Being Reborn I Was Surrounded by Enemy Cubs

After a miscalculation, Princess Stephanie, who holds supreme power in the empire, dies mysteriously on the eve of her coronation as the Queen. Stephanie opened her eyes with endless doubts and anger, and was reborn in a small border town in the Aiello Empire. She thought she would be far away from the political center, but she found that the people around her were all familiar… cubs (children)?! From their mouths, she learned that her enemies were doing well after her death and became big bosses… What should she do? “After Rebirth, I’m Surrounded by Enemy Cubs”

2 days ago

I’m Gonna Annihilate This Land

Read manhwa I’m Gonna Annihilate This Land / 이 나라를 없앨 예정인데요 Once upon a time, I became the dreaded Skeleton King, a being who proved troublesome even for the gods. “If you do our work for us, we’ll turn you into a human.” But then, the gods tricked me with a fraudulent contract and sealed me away. “With the Skeleton King gone, let us rid the world of demonkind.” “The purge of demonkind and the work to spread the good word—let us entrust it all to our precious .” “As for that insolent Skeleton King… let us trap him in the body of a bug and torture him for all eternity.” That should have been the end of my story. “Oh my, Holy One. You’ve awakened?” Instead, I became the Saint? And not only that, but the son of a duke in the Holy Empire—the very empire that sustains the gods? Then if I make this nation fall… won’t the gods fall with it? “Oh dear, what has our baby Saint in such a good mood?” “Holy One, here’s a toy that once belonged to that wretched Skeleton King. Would you like to break it?” “The mighty gods have reclaimed all that arrogant king had to his name for daring to defy them.” I’m going to destroy this country… Let us bleed the gods dry and erase them from existence.

2 days ago