Drama - Page 2

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17943 results

The King Of Dead Souls

Read Manhwa Monarch Of Death / Death King Karnak / Carnac The King Of Dead Spirits I Was A Being That Ruled Over Death. It Took Me A Hundred Years To Come To A Realization. A Human Should Live A Human Life. One Shouldn’t Rule Over Something Like That. “Monarch Of Death Manhwa” Is Another Name: 사령왕 카르나크


The Ultimate Shut-In

Read manhwa The Ultimate Shut-In and !]”>[By the Studio that brought you <I Obtained a Mythic Item> and <Terminally-Ill Genius Dark Knight>!] One day, the end of the world suddenly arrived. [The Ultimate Shut-In cannot leave the house.] In order to save my family, I must survive… no matter what.


I Became The Tyrant Of A Defence Game

Read Manga I Became The Tyrant Of A Defence Game Online For Free At Zin Manga Associated Names: Tyrant Of The Tower Defense Game / ผู้พิชิตเกมป้องกันฐาน / ディフェンスゲームの暴君になった / 成为塔防游戏里的暴君 / 成為塔防遊戲的暴君 / 디펜스 게임의 폭군이 되었다 The Content I Became The Tyrant Of A Defence Game: “Protect The Empire” Was Considered Unbeatable For Over A Decade Until Streamer Extraordinaire “Mr. Gamer Geek” Comes Along And Defeats The Game On Its Hardest Mode. But Just When He’s About To Rest On His Laurels, He’s Sucked Into The World Of The Game By Some Mysterious Figure And Thrust Into Prince Ash’s Body! Ash Now Realizes That Every Click And Command He Had Mindlessly Sent Out Had Real, Gruesome Costs – Including His Teammates’ Lives That He Sacrificed For The Sake Of Victory. To Make Up For His Previous Actions, Ash Promises To Keep His Whole Team Alive This Time While Using His Wits And Knowledge To Survive The Hellish Onslaught Of Monsters. But Who Brought Him To This World In The First Place, And Why? Ash May Soon Find The Answers To These Questions – If He Can Survive The Bloody Battlefield First! Read New Manga Updated: My System Is Very Serious The Fairy Legacy The Marquis And The Iron Wall Lady Manga Zin Is A Website That Aggregates The Latest And Hottest Manga, Updated Quickly To Serve Readers With High-Quality Images And Deliver Them An Excellent Experience.


A Contract With Mr. Herbivore

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Read manhwa Rust / Gladin “Ha maru, a butcher working at a world livestock company, is sent on a business trip to Japan at the suggestion of his boss. However, he finds himself entangled in a yakuza crime organization. Desperate to survive, he gradually discovers his talent for using knives. The butcher, now stepping into the shadows, challenges his way to the top of the underworld. “Rust Manhwa” is another name: 러스트 (Gladin)


Where the Heart Is

Read “Where the Heart Is Novel” – “Where the Heart Is Manga” Online Free At HOT MANGA The summary of the comics “Where the Heart Is”: Min Harang’s future is clear. Go to KNU law school, become a prosecutor, and be successful. At least, that’s what her mother wants. But when Harang fails the entrance exam, she has to come to terms with the fact that her mother’s wishes might not line up with Harang’s own. Out sulking in the rain after an explosive argument, help comes in the form of her sex-crazed neighbor – the very man who’s constant moaning distracted her from studying! And since it’s his fault anyway, it’s only fair that he take responsibility, right? But there’s more to the man that first appears, and soon Harang finds herself coming face to face with a different form of family. It just goes to show that home is truly where the heart is. “Where the Heart Is” is alternatively named: Be My Family (Nas) / Be Part of My Family / Where Heart Is / วุ่นรัก หนุ่มข้างห้อง / 가족이 되어주라 The comics “Where the Heart Is” belongs to the Genre: Drama, Manhwa, Mature, Romance “ManhuaPlus, Manga Updates, Manhwa Website…” are the most searched keywords on the website KUN MANGA. We offer a wide selection of the best and newest comics series with all chapters updated quickly and featuring high-quality images, providing readers with wonderful and enjoyable reading experiences at LikeManga. You can read TOP MANGA The Regretful Villainess Is Happy Because She Got Divorced Underworld Restaurant I Became The King by Scavenging

3 days ago

Bluebird Lady and The White Lion Family

Read Bluebird Lady and The White Lion Family Novel – Bluebird Lady and The White Lion Family Manhwa Online Free At ManhuaHot The summary of the comic Bluebird Lady and The White Lion Family: In a 19-gold-waste novel, I possessed the character of villainess. Sophina, the bluebird and former wife of the white lion male lead, who was obsessed with him and was thrown away. A character who was stoned to death because of angry public sentiment? ‘Let’s get a divorce after grazing enough!’ As a result of my efforts, I became friends with the male lead instead of obsessing with him. In the meantime, I became close to my mother in law and other family members of the male lead, and I gained recognition from helping in managing the estate, and my business also became a big hit! Everything was perfect. It’s time for the male lead who went to war to bring the heroine, so all he has to do is divorce me now. But the problem was… “I don’t want to divorce.” It was because he became so attached. Maybe I have arrhythmia? My heart kept beating fast or it seems I’m a bit excited? So I was thinking of seducing the male lead… *** “While I was away from the mansion for a while, I guessed you were thinking of running away from me.” Ricardo’s dangerous and low voice, unlike his beautiful childish voice from my memory, rang in my ears. It seems that the male lead, who has grown up as a sexy adult, has a useless misunderstanding. And… “Don’t leave, and don’t pretend that you don’t know me if you happen to throw away your husband.” “This brother-in-law would educate his ugly brother. Please just don’t leave.” “Okay, well thought out. Just live with me!” Even my in-laws misunderstood and kept clinging to me. Why does everyone keep misunderstanding? Excuse me. I wasn’t thinking of getting divorced? “Bluebird Lady and The White Lion Family” is also known as: Bluebird Lady and The White Lion Family MangaZin The comic Bluebird Lady and The White Lion Family belongs to the Genre: “Top Manhua, Battwo, Read Manga Online…” are the most searched keywords on the website ZINMANGA. We offer a wide selection of the best and newest comic series with all chapters updated quickly and featuring high-quality images, providing readers with wonderful and enjoyable reading experiences at BunManga. You can read TOP MANGA Human Mask The Patron’s Daughters The Genius Idol’s Strategy to Stardom


A Blood-curdling Lifestyle

Read manhwa A Blood-curdling Lifestyle; A Blood-Draining Life My life of comparing myself to my perfect older sister is over. Now I’m going to live as the main character! Shin Seon-ha, a freshman who entered college with big dreams. However, I thought there was something strange in that department, but I never thought they were all vampires!!… Sunha’s bloody college life with her fellow vampires begins. “A Blood-curdling Lifestyle Manhwa” is sames name: 피말리는 과대생활

3 days ago

Auto-Hunting With Clones

Read Auto-Hunting With Clones Novel – Auto-Hunting With Clones Manhwa Online Free At ManhuaHot The summary of the comic Auto-Hunting With Clones: Sang-u, an average sophomore in college, always dreamt of having multiple versions of himself—one for study, another for play. One day, he awakens with a skill called “cloning,” and Sang-u thinks his dream has come true. But will cloning really steer his life in the direction he had hoped for, or does fate have other plans in store? “Auto-Hunting With Clones” is also known as: Auto Hunting As A Clone / Auto Hunting With My Clones / Bunsin-eulo Jadongsanyang / Авто-охота с клонами / 分身でオートバトル / 分身狩獵 / 用分身自动狩猎 / 분신으로 자동사냥 The comic Auto-Hunting With Clones belongs to the Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy “Top Manhua, Battwo, Read Manga Online…” are the most searched keywords on the website ZINMANGA. We offer a wide selection of the best and newest comic series with all chapters updated quickly and featuring high-quality images, providing readers with wonderful and enjoyable reading experiences at BunManga. You can read TOP MANGA Human Mask The Patron’s Daughters The Genius Idol’s Strategy to Stardom


High School Musical Genius Is Paganini Reincarnated

Reading manhwa High School Musical Genius Is Paganini Reincarnated / 예술고 음악천재는 환생한 파가니니 The Rebirth of Paganini, Joo-won Moon. He was once a gifted violinist, but due to an injury, he gradually distanced himself from music and lived the life of a regular high school student. “I don’t pursue music.” However, perhaps the irony of fate… Joo-won Moon accidentally transferred to the music class of an arts high school, he picked up the violin… Will Joo-won Moon be able to overcome his psychological trauma? And is there a chance for him to be reborn as a true violinist?


I Become The Youngest Disciple of The Martial Arts Leader

Read I Become The Youngest Disciple at Mangazin! Daily updates bring you the latest in this captivating Hot Action series The quick summary of “I Become The Youngest Disciple” The strongest in the martial world, leader of the Hojeongdan, Lee Hwan! During a mission, he battles the Heavenly Demon of the Demonic Sect, Deung Gwang-cheon, and loses consciousness… When he opens his eyes, he’s at home? No… This is my childhood home? It’s hard to believe, but if I really have returned to the past, this time I won’t just stand by and do nothing! On the night of August 8th, when he was 17 years old, a sudden, splitting headache strikes, and something comes to mind. “Cheonsu Ilgi Hap (Thousand Hands One Energy Unification), Deukwon Gang (Obtain Original Strength)…” He muttered absentmindedly and then paused. “Wait, this is the Absolute Demonic Art of the Heavenly Demon! How do I know this technique? Am I going crazy?!” An alternate name for “I Become The Youngest Disciple” 무림맹주 막내제자

1 days ago