After possessing the eldest daughter of Count Leire, Archel , became the head of the family following her parent’s death. The only way to protect her little brother and herself from the old foxes who are after her family was… “I know that you need Leire’s sea territory.” In order to acquire a shield called Gael Von Zenat, the infamous guardian of the eastern sea, but in reality, he was the head of a pirate family. “I’ll give you the sea territory there. So, please marry me.” It wasn’t a romantic proposal. It was just a perfect deal. You take care of our family’s sea, and I’ll protect myself and my brother. I thought so, but… “When I graduate, be sure to divorce my sister.” “I think I’ve already told you that I don’t want to divorce her.” The relationship between the two is unusual. *** “Gael, stop it.” She tried to move away but Gael didn’t budge at all. “What do you mean? I said that I believe in you, didn’t I?” “No.” Archel said after a moment of silence. “For real, it seems like you really do. I swear it seemed like you love me.” That’s just an illusion. After watching my expression, a smile disappeared from Gael’s face. “Am I mistaken?” I Became the Head of the Family / 소녀 가주가 되었습니다 / I Became the Family Head / I Became the Madam of The House
In her past life, Liu Zihan was a cowardly girl who was bullied. After her father’s death, she was deceived by relatives and deprived of all her property. After her rebirth, she became the queen of mercenaries and turned into a female soldier from a weak woman. But in an accident, she traversed back to that weak and helpless time, but at the moment she already has good skills and knows the true side of everyone. 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”Is it okay to kill people?" A treacherous revenge suspense by Shiryu Nakatake, a newcomer to Bessatsu Shonen Magazine. "Shun, if someone is converted, let him go and do nothing. He should be given a chance to be reborn." "Grandpa, I hope he doesn't reincarnate himself." In order to defeat several non-human monsters, the boy also became something non-human. Shin Uruma, a sixth-grade student, was named "Experimental body: A" by five of his classmates and was severely bullied and lived in hell. His only peace was with his brother, who loved him, and his parents, who protected him.... . until the five monsters killed his family. When he finally loses everything and faces true hell, a dark "wish" is born inside Shun. He was reborn under the training of his grandfather, who served in a secret unit during WWII. Now, four years later, he appears in front of his fated enemy. "I won't let ANYONE get in the way of my revenge."
His only purpose was to protect his master. And yet he was powerless to protect her. But fate has more in store for him as he gets another chance to protect his master once more and change his destiny.
It’s April of my third and final year in high school but the beautiful girl I have a crush on is my best friend’s girlfriend. Thus begins my year of treading on dangerous ground.
“ATRI -My Dear Moments- is a popular novel game. This work, which boasts strong popularity both domestically and internationally, has been adapted into a comic by Jako with a transparent touch. In a calm town sinking into the sea, the “unforgettable summer” of a boy and a robot girl begins.”
Called a failure by his adoptive parents, bullied at school, ignored by teachers, high school boy Kurogane Rikuto has nowhere to belong neither at home nor at school. \"Life is shit. I guess I\'ll die.\" After saying this, he was about to commit suicide by jumping off the school’s roof when suddenly all sorts of monsters started appearing from students\' smartphones, transforming the school into a hellscape of screaming agony. Goblins, orcs, slimes… Everybody has seen them in games: \"small fry monsters\". However, humans in the real world, where there is no magic, no special abilities, and no leveling up, are devoured by those \"small fries\" without any means to retaliate. Rikuto, spared from the incident due to his bullies destroying his phone, seeing the students who bullied him and the teachers dying unsightly deaths and the collapse of order, realizes he does have a desire to survive. Just then, a goblin wielding a club attacks him from behind—Thus begins the survival action tale of one insignificant human driven into extreme circumstances.
Japan is the country with the shortest sleep time in the world. Despite being born in such a sleep-deprived country, Shinya Moroboshi is an unemployed man who sleeps a lot and lives a self-indulgent life that has nothing to do with lack of sleep. One day, Moroboshi finds an unfamiliar \"sleep selling app\" on his phone. He uses it with some skepticism, but to his surprise, he is able to actually sell his sleep and make money...!? This is a story that will light up the tomorrow of a deep, never-ending night. (Source: Comic Zenon, translated)
Noburu\'s about to find out his happy marriage is a lie! Tagawa Noburu thinks he has it all—a budding graphic design career and wedded bliss with his loving wife, Aiko. A fool for love, he\'s only too happy to be the perfect husband who meets her every need…little does he know that Aiko takes him for granted and is having a steamy affair with her supervisor at work! What\'s a betrayed husband to do? Fight for his own happy ending! A manga from Chika Semoto that\'ll make you think twice about cheating.
What would you do if you discovered someone at your work was having an affair? Perhaps you’d choose to leave the matter alone because it’s not really any of your business. However, if left unchecked, that may all change in an instant. Has an affair at your workplace gotten out of hand? Is it hindering your job and making the work environment suffocating? If so, that may be a job for Rei Saegusa, the cool and sophisticated breakup specialist at Affair Enders. Who will be Rei’s target next?
Read Manhwa “Shh! I’m Not a Villainess, I’m a Detective!” online for free at TOP MANHUA A detective finds herself reincarnated as a villainess in a romance novel. Seo-hyun was chasing a serial killer who targeted web novel authors. Just before catching them, she fell—only to wake up inside a novel as a doomed villainess obsessed with the male lead. But the story goes off track. The male lead changes, the crown prince becomes obsessed, and even the commander starts pursuing her. Meanwhile, murders similar to her past case begin happening in this world… and the real killer may have reincarnated too.
Read Manhua Extremely Evil Game Content of the comics “Extremely Evil Game” Lu Yao, a terminally ill patient, accidentally got a mysterious account and traveled to a different world called “Extremely Evil Game” to forcibly continue his life. As soon as he arrived at the scene, he became the No. 1 in the extremely evil list and was publicly wanted. As a rookie, the first time I have to face is the most dangerous “fierce” level trial – an extreme pull with the extremely evil monster girl group… Come here, it’s better to play a big one! Isn’t that the joy of living? “Extremely Evil Game” is another name: Ji’e Youxi Jí’è Yóuxì Most Evil Game The Evil Game 暴悪ゲーム 极恶游戏