Adventure - Page 16

Explore the world of Adventure manga, where gripping stories await. Start reading the best Adventure manga free now!

7498 results

Tale of a Scribe Who Retires to the Countryside

Un écrivain qui a échoué aux examens nationaux est recruté par un maître d'arts martiaux et chargé de consigner sa vie dans un livre. À travers leur voyage, Son Bin rencontre de nombreuses personnes formidables et se retrouve bientôt sur la même voie que le maître, pour devenir le roi des arts martiaux.


Solo Strike: A Hundred Million Damage

Summary When the game world and Blue Star merge into one, the era of dawn arrives. Zhou Yi teleported into it and became a mere assassin, but something wasn’t right about his skills. The Eye of Death: All True Damage becomes five times more? 9999 damage is easily dealt with the flick of a knife? The Hand of God: Definite success in stealing. Even monster attributes and skills can be stolen? Therefore, Zhou Yi decided not to be a human being anymore. Turning into an elite monster? In seconds! Associated Names Hyper Blitz: Fury Unleashed My Damage Is a Little Bit Higher by a Billion Points My Damage Is a Little Bit Higher Than 100 Million Solo Strike: A Hundred Million Damage Wǒ De Shānghài Yǒu Yì Diǎndiǎn Gāo ถึงเป็นอาชีพจอมโจร แต่บัฟพลังสุดโกงนะเฟ้ย 我的伤害有亿点点高


Kalli The Champion

Read “Kalli The Champion Manhwa” Online Free On MANGAZIN The summary of the comic Kalli The Champion: After giving up his dream as a boxer, Park Kang-tae joined a gang. He was well-known inside the gang but got killed in the end. He had one regret when he died―Giving up his dream as a boxer. Did God know about his regret? In a world, where boxing exists in the form of pugilist games, Park Kang-tae pursues his unfulfilled dream. “Kalli The Champion” is also known as: Boxer Carly / Boxer Kali / Boxer Kalli / Carly the Boxer / Prizefighter Kalri / Return of the Boxer / كالي البطل / 拳闘士(ボクサー)カーリー / 권투사 칼리 “TopManhua, MangaUpdates, LikeManga…” are the most searched keywords on the website MANGAZIN. We offer a wide selection of the best and newest comic series with all chapters updated quickly and featuring high-quality images, providing readers with wonderful and enjoyable reading experiences at MANGA ZIN. You can read TOP MANHUA Two Weeks and Counting Deadlines are Raining in the Status Window I Became The King by Scavenging


I Log In Alone

11-Year-Old Jung Si-Woo Never Had Any Friends, Because There Was Nothing Interesting About Him. He Lived An Average Life As An Average Person In An Average World. But Suddenly, The Earth Faced A Great Change When Mysterious Floating ‘Sky Castles’ Appeared. The ‘Sky Castles’ Granted Some People Wings And Powers, But Unfortunately, Si-Woo Wasn’t One Of Them. Ngl, This Is Literally Solo Leveling Xd But, If You Want To Enjoy A Slightly Different Story With The Same Premise, This Is For You!


Billion World Invasion

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Magic Level 99990000 All-Attribute Great Sage

All over the world, Monsters suddenly began appearing. The only person who could save humanity from “The Calamity” was “The Great Sage”, Ichikami Atsumu. But, despite being satisfied in his death, he was reincarnated into the body of a boy who was bullied into killing himself, Kusanagi Minato. Atsumu, waking up in a Japan fifty years into the future, is shocked to see a peaceful world, and where magic has become far weaker compared to when he was alive. For now, Atsumu decides to go back to Kamui Magic Academy as Minato, but learns that mages are nothing more than a relic of the past, and in their place exist a class of privileged nobles .After blowing off his bragging, low-levelled bullies, Atsumu gains the interest of a noble magician girl, Mizuha Yuika, as well as his schoolmates and teachers. What’s more, Atsumu finds a sign that the Calamity, which was supposed to have been subdued, will return–– “It looks like my power is still needed” Within the soul of student lies the Great Sage?! The strongest Great Sage will change this world drunk on peace. With his reincarnation in the future set, the curtain opens on a new Hero’s story!


Catastrophic Priest

Read Manhwa Catastrophic Priest Online For Free At Harimanga Catastrophic Priest Novel Also Known As “Wo! Zai E Ji Mu Shi / I Am The Catastrophic Priest! / Wǒ! Zāi È Jí Mù Shī / 我!灾厄级牧师”. This Ongoing Webtoon Was Released On 2024. The Story Was Written By 甘甘甘雨 And Illustrations By 闻源文化. The Content Of The Comic Catastrophic Priest: Global Changes Occur, The Game Becomes Reality, And Demonic Disasters Begin To Wreak Havoc. To Resist All This, Everyone Must Pick A Class And Level Up Like Crazy. Lin Ye Awakens His God-Level Talent From The Beginning, Turning Things Around, And Starts Speed-Running Straight From The Top Dungeon. Priests Are Weak? If I Use The Healing Technique, You Might Die! The Comic Catastrophic Priest Belongs To The Genre: Action, Drama, Fantasy, Shounen Mangazin Is A Comprehensive Website Featuring The Latest And Hottest Manga, Updated Rapidly To Cater To Readers With High-Quality Images And Provide Them With Excellent Experiences. With Keywords Such As “Kun Manga” And “Read Manhwa Online,” As Well As Related Terms Like Zin Manga, Manhwaclan, And Read Manga Online Ensures Readers Have Access To A Wide Selection Of Top-Notch Manga Content. Please Always Follow And Share With Your Friends To Support The Website So That We Have More Motivation To Publish The Latest And Best Comics. You Can Follow Some Other Great Comics!!!: Wail Of Weakness Hunter Academy’s Strongest Battle God Bloodhound’s Regression Instinct


The Investor Who Sees the Future

Read manhwa The Investor Who Sees the Future / Foresighting Investor Kang Jin-hoo gains an extraordinary ability to foresee the future after a life-changing accident during his military service. Armed with this unique power, he dives into the world of investments, targeting companies and financial markets to amass wealth and become the world’s top investor. But his vision extends beyond just making money. Kang Jin-hoo’s foresight begins to influence the global economy, political systems, major corporations, and even the course of globalization itself. Now, with his sights set on reshaping the world of finance and beyond, he is about to rewrite the rules of the future. Another name for “The Investor Who Sees the Future Manhwa” 미래를 보는 투자자


Endless Devourer

Read the chapters to know the story, on my way to devour the world and make it kiss my Feet…


Reborn As The Heavenly Martial Demon

Read manga “Reborn As The Heavenly Martial Demon” online at Best manga website Description: Humanity lost the war. Businessmen who sold out their fellow compatriots, hunters who turned to the monsters, stepping on countless human corpses, all in order to earn profit. The otherworldly monsters that entered our world seized it bit by bit like a raging fire. That was until Zuo Chi arrived. “Back then you all were gladly invading our world, so why are you weeping now?” Associated Names: After I Die, I Transform Into a Martial Arts Demon, Wo Si Hou, Huashen Wudao Tianmo, 我死后,化身武道天魔 What is Mangazin? Welcome to ZinManga, the fantastic world for manga enthusiasts. Here, you’ll find all the manga you need with the highest quality. What’s even more amazing is that reading manga on MangaGG is entirely free. Don’t hesitate any longer and start reading the hottest manga at Mangazin! Additionally, you can also read Trending Manhwa, Trending Manhua, Trending Comics, and more for free here!



While the demons were rising, mankind was about to become extinct. Six temples rose, and protected the last of mankind. A young boy joins the temple as a knight to save his mother. During his journey of wonders and mischief in the world of temples and demons, will he be able to ascend to become the strongest knight and inherit the throne?
